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Then there's cole... I don't know what this feeling is... I've never felt it before... Maybe I'm ill... No that's not it... I only had a check-up from the Oompa Loompa doctor yesterday...

.. Am... I gay?

THIRD person PoV

As they got further down the river willy shouted " stop the boat!!! I wanna show you guys something!"

The boat stopped and they all started getting off the boat

Cole walked forward and started to step out of the boat

Jack decided to be cheeky a trip him

Willy ran forward and grabbed cole

" you ok cocoa bean?" willy whispered

Cole's face heated up

" y-yeah th-thanks " cole stuttered

They all started walking towards a room

" this my friends, is the inventing room " willy said with a grin

They walked in

" woah!" jack and cole said at the same time

" now, go look around! Just don't touch anything!" willy said

Charlie and jack both walk of together

Cole walked over and looked at one of the machines with interest

" do you like the factory?" a voice said from behind him

Cole screamed slightly and spun around

It was willy

Willy burst into a fit of giggles and said " I-i sorry I d-didnt mean to s-scare you "

Cole giggled and said. " it's ok, yeah the factory is amazing! I never thought I'd ever see a place like this "

" I'm glad you like it " willy said softly

Cole smiled

The two were really close together at this point

All cole or willy would have to do was lean forward slightly and they would be touching

Cole leaned forward slightly

As their lips were about to touch-

" MISTER WONKA WHATS THIS!!" an annoying ass voice said

Willy growled slightly and pulled away

He put on a fake smile and walked over

" ohh" he said

He opened the lid and the oompa loompa that was inside passed him one of the sweets that was inside

" thank you " he said kindly to the oompa loompa

The oompa loompa nodded and went back in

" this, my children, is a everlasting gob stopper, it's made for kids who don't get much pocket money!" willy said

' that's actually a brilliant idea! ' cole thought

" and you can suck on it all year, it won't get any smaller, isn't that neat!"

'that's what she said ' cole ' thought '

Everyone turned and stared at cole in disgust

Coles face heated up

" sh!t I said that out loud!! " cole said quietly

Jake tried to suppress his laughter while the other kids just looked confused

" it's like gum!" violet said after a long awkward minute

" no it's not! Gum is for chewing if you tried to chew one of these all your little teeth would fall out " willy said

Cole zoned out for a moment as he thought over the events of the day

Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder

He looked and saw grandpa joe

" young man, the group has moved over here now " he said with a small smile and a knowing look

" oh sorry, I was just thinking " cole said sincerely

" it's ok, you like him a lot don't you " Joe said

" whaaaaa? Noooo " he said in a higher voice

Joe smiled and said " that's how me and my wife look at each other... "

" maybe I do but he would never like someone like me " cole said

Suddenly they saw mister wonka looking worried

They walked over and watched

" I- It's not quite done y-"

" I'm the world champion gum chewer I'm not afraid of anything" violet said and popped what looked like gum into her mouth

His little cocoa bean ( willy wonka x male OC ) Where stories live. Discover now