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They walked out of the nut room and approached a lift ( or as some people call it an elevator )

" I don't know why I didn't think of this before! It's much quicker to take the great glass elevator " willy giggled

" there can't be this many floors!! " mike said judgementally

" how do you know smarty pants?" willy asked childishly

Cole, Jack and Charlie laughed slightly when he said that

" this elevator can go upwards, downwards, long ways, slantways, sideways and other ways "

" please tell me it doesn't go upside down!" cole said as the colour rushed from his face

" no cocoa bean don't worry " willy said so only cole could hear

Cole blushed crimison and giggled

Willy then pressed a button which made cole fall forward to fall into willys chest

Willy giggled slightly and helped cole up

" you ok cocoa bean?" willy asked

" y-yes th-thank y-you " cole stuttered

Once cole was standing up properly he noticed Charlie and jack holding hands

He grinned slightly

Jacks POV

This is while the whole cole and willy thing happend

I watched as Mr wonka explained all the diagonals the lift could go.... bare in mind that jack and Cole are from northern Ireland so they would probably say lift too....

I look at Charlie and notice him looking nervous

" you ok Charlie?" I ask quietly

He looks at me and blushed " I- I'm a bit scared... Mr wonka said it could go lots of different ways... What if it goes upside down?" Charlie asked in a soft, scared voice

" I- I can hold your hand if you like " I said hopefully

He giggles and says " yes please "

I grin and take Charlie's hand

The lift starts abruptly and flies sideways making Charlie slam against the wall and I fall in top of him ending in us accidentally kissing

I pull away quickly and blush

" I- s-sorry " I stutter

Charlie blushes and says " it's ok"

I notice Charlie's grandad looking at us with a knowing smile

I blush again and smile sheepishly

How're his lips so soft! I can't help but think

Charlie is still blushing

I take his hand again and give it a small squeeze

He smiled and looks out of the lift

Third person POV

Soon they get to a doll hospital type thing

" ah and here is the doll hospital... It's fairly new " willy said

Cole chuckled

Soon they came past a mountain

" lady's and gentlemen, this is fudge mountain " willy said proudly

Jacks eyes widened

"Woah! " jack exclaimed

Willy grinned, after that they went past a place where a load of oompa loompa's were sheering pink sheep

Willy blushed and said " id rather not talk about this one "

" cotton candy?" cole, Charlie and Jack asked

Willy nodded

After a minute they came to an office

" hi Dorris! " willy giggled

The oompa loompa waved and then went back to her work

The lift abruptly flew downwards and into a firework show

" why is everything here so stupid?!" mike said suddenly

Charlie and jack frowned at Mike while cole glared at him

" it's so stupid!! What's the point?!" mike continued

" it's candy it doesn't have to have a point! " Charlie said

" why did you even come if you don't like sweets?! " jack asked

" everything here pointless!! It's stupid!!" mike continued ranting

Willy suddenly gasped quietly and zoned out

" willy?" cole asked quietly

Mike continued to rant

" can't you do something about your son?!?" cole said angrily to Mr teavee

Cole had kept his cool just about all day but now the person who he now had a crush on was upset

Mr teavee shrugged and said " he won't stop until he's finished ranting "

Cole rolled his eyes and looked at willy

" mr wonka?" jack asked

Willy was still having a flash back

" I want to pick a room!" mike said loudly and rudely

Cole glared harshly at mike

" of course, go ahead " said willy who had come out of his flashback

Mike looked at the buttons and picked one

Cole looked at saw it said ' TV chocolate ' I think that's what it said?

Cole rolled his eyes and sighed as the lift flew diagonally

His little cocoa bean ( willy wonka x male OC ) Where stories live. Discover now