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" he's gone" mikes dad whispered

Willy patted Coles back and pulled away from him
" let's go check the television and see what we get" willy said not sounding worried at all

Cole adjusted his glasses and walked over to the television

" I sure hope none of him gets left behind! " willy said sounding kind of concerned but not overly

" what do you mean?!" Mikes dad asked

" well.... Sometimes only half the lil pieces find their way through" Willy said " if you had to choose one half of your son which would it be?" willy asked

Cole tried not to laugh but then out of the corner of his eye he noticed Charlie and jack were right next to each other, holding hands and jacks head was resting on Charlie's shoulder and Charlie had a small smile on his face

Awww!!! Their so cuuute!!!! My ship is sailing!!! Cole thought as he kind of fangirled about it

He was snapped out of his thoughts by the Oompa Loompas

Ye I'm lazy. :D

Once the song had finished willy said " eww someone grab him"

Mr teavee grabbed his son who was wriggling about

" thank heavens he's completely unharmed " willy said while leaning away from the boy

" unharmed?!? What're you talking about?!?" Mr teavee snapped

" hey! Don't get mad at Mr wonka!its not his fault your son did this!! It could be worse! He could only be half a boy!" cole said jumping in willys defence ( yet again not thinking about what he says ) " if your son wasn't such a brat then this wouldn't be happening!!! "

Mr teavee looked angry... Really angry

He put his son in his left hand and then punched cole in the face and kicked him between the legs " do Not! Insult my son!" mr teavee growled

Cole yelped and tried his best not to cry

WHYYYY!!! WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF!!!! Cole screamed in his head

Once willy had sent him away to the taffy puller he rushed over to cole who had his hands on his knees and was trying his best to stay calm ( I mean he had been kicked in the balls )

" are you ok cocoa bean?!" willy asked quietly

Charlie and jack were giggling like mad

Grandpa Joe looked at cole with sympathy

" I- I'm ok, I need to learn not to say anything in future " cole mumbled

Willy looked angry but quietly said " what you said was the truth dear, no need to blame yourself "

Once cole was ok again willy kissed his forehead and said " ok on with the tour!"

Cole was blushing again as he followed the others, Jack and Charlie were holding hands as they followed willy, grandpa Joe looked at the boys and smiled to himself, willy was smirking and said " ok how many are left?"

" mr wonka jack and Charlie are the only ones left!" grandpa Joe said

" oh... Really? What happened to the others? " willy joked

" oh well done my children!!! Now we mustn't dilly or dally! We will take the elevator to speed- " bang! He slammed into the lift door
( did you know that wasn't supposed to happen? Johnny Depp accidentally walked into the door and the director thought it was funny so he kept it in! ( #justiceforjohnnydepp)

Cole gasped and rushed forward and helped willy up

" - to speed things along, thank you Cocoa bean " willy said and thanked Cole

They all hurried into the lift

Willy grinned and said " I've been saving this button for a while, I just couldn't bare to but now! Now I think it's the perfect time "

" huh?" Cole whispered

Willy grinned and pressed a button that said " up and out " Cole gasped " up and.. OUT?!?!? You don't mean-"

" haha yeah! I do!!" Willy giggled manically as the lift got faster and faster


Grandpa Joe grabbed the two boys and sort of hunched over them to lessen the impact for them

Oh, fuuuuck I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna dieeeeeeeeeeee Cole screamed in his head

Oh f*ck it ima die anyways! Cole thought, he leaned forward and attached his lips to willys in a soft kiss

Willy kissed back

Cole pulled away and closed his eyes ready to die


His little cocoa bean ( willy wonka x male OC ) Where stories live. Discover now