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Suddenly Mrs gloop shrieked and said " AUGUSTUS MY CHILD THAT IS NOT A GOOD THING TO DO "

Everyone turned around to see Augustus drinking out of the lake

" LITTLE BOY, that chocolate must be untouched by human hands!" Mr wonka said

Just then Augustus shrieked as he fell into the river

" Someone SAVE HIM HE CANNOT SWIM HE WILL DROWN!!! " Mrs gloop cried

" oh lordy lordy lordy that's gonna taste disgusting " Cole muttered in disgust as he saw the pipe....


the pipe started sucking the chocolate up, it created a whirl pool which Augustus got sucked into

He flew up the pipe but about three quarters of the way up he got stuck

" it's a wonder how that pipes big enough "

" it isn't he's slowing down"
" he's getting stuck "

" he's stuck "

" CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT " mrs gloop screamed

Suddenly the Oompa Loompas started humming and walking closer to every one

" what are they doing ?"

" I believe they're treating us to a little song " willy said


Jack and cole scowled at him and glared

Yeah I can't be bothered to write the song out I'm definitely not lazy ( I edited this line because I was acting like a stupid pick-me-girl )

Mr wonka was clapping and said to no one in particular " wasn't that just great?! Are they just charming!"

" I do say they do seem rather rehearsed " mr salt said

" like they knew it would happen" Mr teavee said

" ohh popycock " willy said he started walking away
Mrs gloop said" what will happen to him?! Where is my son?!"

" well that pipe just so happens to go to the room where I make my strawberry-flavoured chocolate-coated fudge . . ."

"Then he'll be made into strawberry-flavoured chocolate-coated fudge!"screamed Mrs Gloop. "My poor Augustus! They'll be selling him by the pound all over the country tomorrow morning!"

" never! I wouldn't allow it!" mr wonka said

" why not may I ask?!" Mrs Gloop asked

" Because the taste would be terrible, "said Mr Wonka. "Just imagine it! Augustus-flavoured chocolate-coated Gloop! Eww No one would buy it."

Mrs gloop looked beyond angry

And what cole did next didn't help

Poor cole burst out laughing he couldn't help it
Mr wonka was being too funny and it was funny how Augustus got stuck

Mrs gloop turned to him and slapped him hard around the face

Cole fell backwards and fell on his ass

His little cocoa bean ( willy wonka x male OC ) Where stories live. Discover now