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Oh f*ck it ima die anyways Cole thought, he leaned forward and attached his lips to willys in a soft kiss

Willy kissed back

Cole pulled away and closed his eyes ready to die



Cole waited for the impact but it never came

Instead he felt a pair of arms around him

He looked and jack was hugging him " you ok jack?!" Cole asked

" yeah, I was so scared " jack muttered, jack didn't usually let himself become vulnerable but he was terrified

" it's ok Jack " Cole said quietly

The two stopped hugging and jack went back to Charlie

Cole looked at willy who was grinning sheepishly " NEVER! Do that again!!" Cole said angrily, he didn't like being seen when he was sad or scared, after saying that the thoughts that came to coles head upset him again?! AGAIN?! I'm never going to see him again! This... whatever this is... won't continue Cole felt tears come to his eyes as he thought that

Willy looked at him sadly as he guessed his thoughts don't worry cocoa bean, you'll be happy soon :) Willy thought

" ok who's house is the closest " willy asked

" mine, it's over there!" Charlie exclaimed as he pointed at a small house

" ok! Let's go! " willy grinned

The lift flew over to the house " watch out for the- OOF! " they went straight threw the roof

" roof " Cole finished while sighing

" oops?" Willy said as more of a question, the buckets ran threw to see what had happened

" I think someone's at the door " grandma Georgina said

Charlie and jack laughed " MUM!!!" Charlie exclaimed and ran out to hug his mother

" hi..." she said while looking at the roof or should I say the lack of roof

" mum! This is mister wonka! He gave us a ride home! " Charlie said happily

" Mister Wonka said Charlie and jack have won something " grandpa Joe said

Pretend he said that... I kinda forgot to put that hehe 😬

" oh yes! I'm giving them my factory " mister wonka said

Cole choked on air " WHAT! " he exclaimed

Willy went into explaining how he found a grey hair on his head and how he felt old

" so what do you say Charlie, jack? " willy asked

" OF COURSE! And our family's can come too... right? " they asked Cole looked at willy nervously

Ok ima change the scene because it won't work if he says no ( I mean THEY LIVE IN IRELAND )

" I- Yes! Yes of course! " willy stuttered only for Cole Willy thought

The boys grinned

Jacks POV

Ok now is my chance! I think

" hey Charlie can I talk to you outside a minute?" I ask

" y-yeah sure!" Charlie says

I smile and we go outside

" hi"

" hello " Charlie whispers

" so... I know we've only known each other for a day... But I really like you... Maybe since we will be moving into the factory... We could go on a date... It's ok if not though, I mean why would anyone- " I was cut off by Charlie kissing me

" yes! Yes id love to go on a date with you " Charlie said with a giggle

" GREAT! I- uuh I mean cool! Heh heh " I say

Charlie giggles and kissed me on the cheek then goes inside

About a month later

The buckets and the Taylor's had moved into the factory

Charlie and jack were dating and so were willy and cole

Cole was helping his mum and Charlie's mum set the table when jack and Charlie came in holding hands and willy walked behind them

" are you staying for dinner willy? " Mrs bucket asked

Willy grinned and said " that would be lovely thank you! "

He kissed cole on the cheek and say down next to where grandma Georgina was sitting and where cole was going to sit

Cole sat down after setting the table

" what do you think of liquorice kites? " willy asked the boys

Cole smiled as they planned how could I be any luckier

" now now boys no planning at the table " Cole's mother said

" sorry mum "

" sorry mrs Taylor "

" I think you're onto something there though boys "willy said

Cole was happy to have his family, friends and boyfriend around him

Life Couldnt get any better

His little cocoa bean ( willy wonka x male OC ) Where stories live. Discover now