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Jack Taylor lived in northern Ireland

He lived with his mum, dad and big brother

He was sat in the living room eating his dinner when his farther came in

" have you seen the news paper Laura " he said to his wife ( jacks mum )

" no why?" she asked worriedly

" that willy wonka guy is handing out golden tickets to go to his factory "

Jack smiled at the thought of going there

But he knew he had no chance

His family weren't rich

They weren't poor either but they didn't splash out a lot

Time skip

Four of the tickets have been found

One by a extremely obese German boy
One by a spoiled English brat
One by a competitive little bitch ( can't remember where she lives )

Suddenly jacks dad came back

" the fifth one has been found!" he called

Jack rushed to find out who

When they got down there they saw it on the television

Suddenly jacks mum shouted from the kitchen.

" JACK! Come here!"

Jack sighed and went to the kitchen

" ok sweetie I don't want you to get your hopes up... But I got you a wonka bar " Mrs Taylor said

" REALLY?? Thank you mum!" He said happily and hugged her

They walked into the living room

Jack sat down next to his brother who was sitting looking mildly interested

( although he was acting he actually really liked the idea of going to the factor. 🤫🤫🤫)

Jack slowly ripped open the chocolate bar

At first he thought there was nothing there until Cole said

" I think he's got the last golden ticket " he said as he pulled the ticket out

" OH MY GOD YOUVE GOT IT!!!" Mrs Taylor squealed

Jack grinned and hugged his mum and dad

I'm sorry I know this is rubbish but I'm not used to doing male characters I'm used to female okay?

They then pondered who would take him

" I can take him if you want?"Cole said kindly

Jack grinned and said " PLEASE MUM CAN COLE TAKE ME?! "

" hmm ok but be careful!! " she said

" mum! I'm twenty nine! " Cole groaned

" and yet you still live with me and your mother?" Mr Taylor mocked

Cole rolled his eyes and went to bed

Sorry another time skip

They were outside the gates to the factory

Suddenly Verruca said " daddy! Can we go in yet?"

" no verruca sweetheart it's only 9:56 we don't go in until half ten " mr salt said in his posh English accent

His little cocoa bean ( willy wonka x male OC ) Where stories live. Discover now