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I moaned in pleasure as the hot sensation chimed down my throat and the wonderful taste of this peculiar sauce, picking out some of the rich spices combined with it. The sauce was enriched mostly with roux and milk.

"This is beyond staggering. Where did you learn to cook like this?" I asked Leo, our new fresh chef whom might I add was a gift from God himself. Leo was standing behind the stove counter flipping the pan with some type of food I couldn't really tell what. He reminded me of back home incredibly too much it was so warming inside, it was like he gave off the large portion of coziness to this home.

"It's passed on by the genes my dear Juliet. My grandfather was Gaston Traneto" His french accent made the craving to go to Paris increase highly believe it or not, but I was still confused in who that person he labeled as grandfather. "Who's this Gaston guy" I asked as I took another big bite of the perfectly sliced sausages on the white plate and gave him my full attention .

"He was the best cook in all of France and also the best grandfather" He smiled happily at the memory and sprinkled salt professionally into the pan without even looking, his fingers were like magically working on their own.

"1954" He began with a smile yet payed attention to the food at the same time. "My family was really well known in Northern Paris for their famous Mozzarella wraps you see, zey' were these type of cheese bread with green olives and mozzarella rolled in and grilled" He looked sadly at the pan he was using in but had a deep smile forming. That smile can easily be detected as a smile of courage and pain as he told this interesting story.

"Our family name was a success throughout all of Paris, but as my great Aunt Marianne told me, no success comes without enemies. All the chefs in town hated and envied my grandfather for his succession in the country and how he got so far in making all of France only buy his baked goods and back then there weren't those cameras who can spy on you or much of security material. They sent someone out to make sure my grandfather was to be dead so they can finally be successful in their own lives. They went to that point from the burning envy, as well back then business was hard" I can feel the sadness wearing off of him and I felt like I needed to comfort him by at least opening my mouth but allowed him to continue.

"My family stayed back in Paris but I couldn't stand it there so I moved here to America- and here I am cooking for you"

"Well then you sure are the best cook I have ever met plus, your grandfather would be extremely proud of you. Truthfully stated" I said with a smile trying to enlighten his mood and knew talking about a topic that brings back pain and sadness like the moments you were experiencing it, is without a doubt the hardest thing ever.

"Thanks little one, now is that stomach of yours full or do you want ZE FAMOUS LEO MEAL THAT WILL LEAVE YOU WANTING MORE" I giggled at his loud changing orphic voice making it sound as if he were commercializing himself or a dish

"My stomach has a bit more room" I tapped my stomach in appreciation with a smile at its large space, impersonating the size of Las Vegas.

I watched him as he focused on what he's doing and just thought, people are so strong yet we might not see a glimpse of it, smiles can be shown but the pain they went through will never be acknowledged, it was so amusing to hear someone's story and judge right after. I sat quietly waiting for Leo to finish up with saddened thoughts of a recap of my life.

After I came inside the house, I searched for the kitchen to have already found Leo putting together a meal for me in there. I gladly took his offer since I was starving and here I am awaiting the mysterious food .

Leo then looked at the plate he had the food set up on and came closer to the island seat I was seated on .

"Enjoy" He joyfully said as he placed the delightful plate on the dark, granite counter and began to use the cleaning cloth to wipe away any mess on the counters.

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