I Need To Tape My Mouth

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As I continued my trail up the stairs, I excitingly recited how I was going to inform Elena about this ball in my head. Something huge Elena and I shared was loving Disney movies, especially Cinderella, it was like watching The Notebook or Titanic back then, the emotions and the squeals were equivalently relative to the squeals when you watch one of Spark's movies. It was our number one, hands down favorite movie of all time and seeing as there was an actual ball here in this town makes me feel like I was Cinderella. I dialed Elena's memorized number onto my phone and placed it on my ear, waiting anxiously for her to answer. After a couple of rings Elena's loud voice ruptured my ear in a matter of seconds .

"JULIET PARKER" That didn't sound like a happy tone.

"I was waiting for you to call me since this morning, is everything okay?Some worker told me that you were extremely sick and couldn't see or talk to anyone" She said with no breath in between her words, worry tinted in her concerned voice.

"Elena, calm down and I'm much better now" I felt harrowed for lying to my best-friend, but I didn't want anyone to exaggerate a simple problem, besides it's one little lie.

"Our Saturday night was cancelled" She sadly said with a fake cry getting me to roll my eyes at her ways and smiled brightly.

"Oh please I got something much better" I said getting straight to my point with all happiness .

"Speak you troll" She said munching on something crunchy causing an annoying sound to escape her mouth.

"So, you know those balls in Cinderella, Beauty And The Beast and Sleeping Beauty-"

"Please don't name all the Disney movies, I get it" Elena groaned with a chuckle.

"Well, you get my point. There's one just like that held in this town every year apparently and I GOT YOU A TICKET" I squealed clearly unable to control my happiness at the moment, I mean maybe something good will finally happen, who knows? It was silent for a while before she spoke again.

"Wait, please don't tell me it's this week?" She sadly asked feeling very down as soon as I said that.

I felt an uneasy feeling go in me at her use of tone opposite of mine.

"Yeah, it's this Friday, so five days from now" I replied less jolly and radiant hearing a not so happy squeal I thought I would hear from Elena.

"Oh Juliet " She uttered sadly.

"I have an University orientation that day. I promise I'll make it up to you next week though." All my happiness went down a drain, maybe I should just lower down my expectation standards. I felt someone screaming in my head ' You can't be happy even if you try' over and over and over again. I stopped my walking and started to fumble with my fingers feeling my emotions change incredibly fast.

"No, I totally understand it's fine" I assured her feeling that crappy feeling of life come at me again .

"I'll make it up to you next week I promise" She pleadingly assured me clearly she felt guilty, but it's not her fault, it was my fault for thinking I would enjoy myself just that one day.

"No it's fine really, I'll just try to enjoy it myself, besides I can meet new people there" I tried lighting the heavy mood for Elena, but that was like me trying to pick up a car with my two petite hands .

"Catch me a boyfriend if you can" She threatened me playfully as I slightly smiled

"I'll try my best, Anyways I have to go, I'll talk to you tomorrow if I can" I say gulping down a lump down my throat, holding in a scream of madness at this unlucky luck of mine.

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