The Lining Dance

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This is not edited whatsoever


"Mila may I talk to you - alone please" I heard Christian calmly say with a cold and stubborn look cascading on his face as he looked straight into Mila's eyes with this eager aurora washing over the table .He stood up from his seat making it screech and showing off the sinfully handsome suit he was pulling off and softly grabbed Mila from her arm when they met halfway around the large, white-clothed table.

I watched them walk away, feeling a bit curious as to what they were talking about and shrugged it off reminding myself it was none of my business and I shouldn't care. I then placed the wallet in my sweaty hand on the surface of the table and looked up suddenly meeting eyes with an unfamiliar human.

He then arrogantly smirked and winked and that's when I knew my cue for my eyes to drop from his.

"Welcome everyone" Suddenly the loud voice boomed through the large black speakers hung on each wall facing the audience, I searched for the source of voice and my eyes landed on an elderly man.

"I would like to thank all of you for making it here and celebrating an event we have been doing for many years" He was cut off by the people's enthusiastic clapping and cheering trying to show just how much they appreciate living here.The man looked to be in his late fifties as his gray hair was gelled back and the wrinkles above his forehead were very visible from the aging symptoms.

"Now dinner will be served momentarily and I may or may not stole a chicken piece from the kitchen so whoever has a missing chicken, I sincerely apologize " Laughter erupted as I just stood still curious as to why everyone is laughing. The joke wasn't even funny, what is this? I looked side to side trying to find somebody out here who wasn't laughing at this pathetic joke.

"The lining dance will start right after dinner is served. I hope everyone enjoys this day as we enjoyed it previous years and thank you all once again for coming out here to continue Westwood's traditions."

Once again the crowd clapped and whistled as the man nodded his head and made his way off the stage classically with a rich posture. The chattering started once again and the loud conversations of hormonal, attention-seeking teenagers from both genders can be heard from miles away.

"So you from here?" The same guy I connected eyes seconds ago with asked me as he watched my every move like a hawk watching its prey, and as the prey I became uncomfortably annoyed.

"I just moved here" I tried smiling friendly but all he would do was trace his eyes down to my collar bone and then to my chest.

"Oh yeah, family friends with Christian" A much respectful guy then spoke, nodding his head in a much sophisticated way in a greeting.

"You guys close?" Oh yeah, closer than ink on paper. I mentally rolled my eyes and just plastered a smile.

"Yeah you can say that" I said as I started to fumble with my dress nervously.

"He usually comes to this town with his family after they moved but I haven't seen you ever" He says with a curious glint to his eyes and I suddenly felt all eyes on me and that's when I went on panic mode.

"Dinner is served" Oh thank you Jesus, I will be attending church this Sunday. I breathed out the breath I was holding in and mentally thanked the incredibly young waitress for saving my life.

She placed each of our foods gracefully on the table and made sure everything was set before she left off with a respectful smile.

She must be from another town, I thought, since she was working and not dressed elegantly. Maybe a different town from where Maria, Leo and Susan came from.

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