Spinal What?

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The sexual moans grew louder and louder by the minute and my ears were slowly going to rupture from my system in just a matter of seconds if it continues on like this. He doesn't know how to take to them to hotels or better yet their homes, for privacy ?

And hell I was not making a humorous mockery about this, this is with all honesty my fifth night where I can't close my eyes for two seconds without hearing a sexual moan or a loud cry all night long. I glanced at my digital clock placed on the nightstand it read 2:05 AM. I closed my eyes and let my head sink into the comforting pillow trying as hard as I can to block all these unwanted noises being created just a few steps near me. I even tried plugging in my headphones with my music on blast -hell, I even tried rock music but I'm sure people rotting in hell at this very moment are hearing this. The disgust and anger I felt was being combined with my hatred for him. He's doing this by purpose - He was intentionally doing this for some type of revenge he was holding against me, this isn't made up by my thoughts or instinct but his actions proved my hypothesis.

What sin did I undertake that built such hell for me ?

I ran my fingers through my hair exhaustively and sucked in a tightening breath .

Not one word has been exchanged between Christian and I over the past few days, and I think this is the best solution for the both of us, but this is the fifth night where he brought a girl who lacks all respect and brains for herself into this home and have sexual interactions with her loud mouth in a house under the names of him and I. It's literally like experiencing Live Porn .

I looked out at the glass balcony and into the empty, dark night sky filled with bright stars shining effortlessly. My prayers were being sacredly said in my mind as my body feeling dead .


Another moan

A loud cry

A louder moan once again

I can't do this any longer even if I tried. There is a limit to a human being- and once someone breaks their limit, all hell will break loose in my eyes .

I got up ignoring the screams from my aching bones and pushed my hair to the side as it curtained my face. I probably resembled a dead looking zombie with the dark circles underneath my eyes, my eyes half awake but at this very moment that was the last of my worries.I just wanted sleep, I needed sleep.

I walked to my closed door and swung it open with all anger.

I heard the same feminine voice moaning even louder this time .

The closer I got, the more I felt like getting a knife and stabbing myself repeatedly straight into the flesh. I don't know where I got this sudden outburst of bravery to do this but it has to be done, ignoring all the vomits trying to release themselves, I forced myself to walk to his door.

I knocked my weak knuckles that have turned into the colour of snow and harshly banged on the dark brown wooden door where no mankind on earth would want to be in front of and waited impatiently outside the door of Satan's bedroom. He broke my limit - to me sleep is important because our body needs to maintain a healthy rest in order for it to function properly, but with him bringing a new girl every day into a house whom he knows him and I are sharing and him doing these useless things for five days straight is the last thing I need momentarily .

I waited by the door fuming at the sound being released from a dirty little mouth begging him to not stop .

Tapping my foot impatiently on the carpeted floor I heard footsteps coming closer to where my body was glued to. Don't run away, you can do this

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