Bad Vibes From Innocence I think?

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I rubbed my prickling eyelids harshly before noticing the death machine wouldn't stop vibrating on the nightstand. With all of my bones strength, I pushed my hair out of my face and kicked the sheets off my bed odd too harshly since they flew off and slowly landed on the floor. I grabbed my phone angrily and swiped the screen not daring to glance at the caller ID.

"Hello" My murderous voice was no surprise to whoever dares to call me in the morning. Does nobody in this world understand the schedule of a teeager during the summer? You can say I don't fit in the category of a morning person

"Morning Juliet sweetheart" I rubbed my forehead in frustration and shut my eyes in anger to try and not say something I would regret later on. God wherever you are, please I just want you to stop making every morning of this summer depressing and only anger filling me . Is that so much to ask for oh graciousness ?

"Morning Mrs.James" I forcefully changed my tone to a sweet one from a -I want to murder you- voice. I pushed myself up against the white King size Privado headboard and rubbed my head as I sat criss-crossed on my bed and pushed the extra strands of hair out of my eyes and tiredly tried to keep my body awake.

"How did you sleep?"

What time does this women wake up at to sound like she freshened up about an hour ago?

And why is she so happy in the morning . While I'm on the edge of murdering someone , she seems like she's awoken by Jesus this morning.

"I slept really well" Lie

"The bed is quite comfy if you ask me'' And I was certainly enjoying it until you interrupted me .

"Well I'm more than happy to hear that, I'm sure Miranda told you about the workers coming in today right?" I glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand that read 8:07 AM . Remembering the scenario yesterday night with my mother, I answered with eyes half open and scratching the top of my head.

"Oh yes she did last night" Playing with the hems of the bed comforter as I tried not to sleep on the spot.

"Well since it's the summer, I know how you teenagers are, I just wanted to wake you up incase you forgot" She reminded me cheerily with a small chuckle. I clenched my jaw in anger and faked a smile although she can't see me trying to control any murderous act.

"Thank you Mrs.James, I'll get ready in time to see them" I say opening my eyes widely now and my body now fully awake .

"Okay sweetheart, oh before you shut the phone" She quickly said

" Yeah?" I asked getting irritatingly vexed by this woman by the second .

"Is Christian home? I've been trying to reach him and it would automatically send me to his answering machine?" She was clearly worried about her son but even though I'm in an arrangement between two families with him, I personally don't care where her son is or what he's doing this very hour so I wouldn't know such information.

"No I didn't, I was really tired so as soon as I got here I slept" Once again a lie

"Oh okay, If you see him please tell him to call us"

" Bye Mrs.James"

Who the hell gave my number to this woman ? I'll get enough complaining and questioning calls from my mother, now add Mrs.James to the list?

I groaned in frustration before stretching out of bed. I looked down at my uncomfortable outfit and decided to actually settle in today. I walked out of the room and tried remembering the trail back to the bathroom I got a glimpse of last night, since that was the only one I could find in this maze of a house . I then mentally slapped myself and walked back to my bedroom, I thought it was my washroom. You know supplied with towels and body lotions . I searched for my shoulder bag and found it lying on the carpeted floor near the balcony. I unzipped the first pocket where I placed my toothpaste and toothbrush and packaged bar soap in it. Should I take a shower while I'm at it? I began thinking if I should take a shower and decided to, since the bathtub looks huge and quiet relaxing, might as well experience it. I then walked to my two rolling bags and unzipped them. I took out two soft red towels and a pair of high waisted black shorts and a tight long sleeved, white v-neck shirt . I grabbed my undergarments from the other bag and body lotions and head out to the luxurious bathtub I witnessed yesterday night .

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