Gas & Choclate

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"We're not going back to Westwood? Christian the only thing I have with me momentarily is an Identity card and the credit. You said we would be going back. How are we supposed to survive the drive for god knows when without any of our essentials? I don't even have a phone thanks to you and-"

"I know what I'm doing, I don't need you to rant about our essentials" His eyes focused on the road as he coldly interrupted me for the countless time once again and I once again became more frustrated.

"Could you stop interrupting me every two seconds and listen to what I actually have to say" My voice got louder as I got more irrationally enraged with this man and his primitive ways of replying back to a question or simply not allowing you to finish one. If he could just listen maybe he could understand.


See what I mean? My body hit the leather chair and I just folded my arms bitterly trying to ease out my angry system.

"I wish Daniel was forced to marry me" I quietly whispered lightly, knowing for sure he can't hear me but I said my thoughts without thinking over them twice.

"What did you just say?" He sharply turned on the sideroad and stopped the car receiving a bunch of disapproving honks.

"I said I wish I had a dandelion with me right now" It was steam that was coming out of his ears, his eyes held something very immoral and slowly I went from fearless to fearful within less than two seconds. It was like Daniel had done something equivalent to Mistova.

"So it was Daniel Jackson who took you home that night? He is not one to be trusted, go fuck around with anyone, just keep little Dandelion off your limits. He works with them"  My eyes bulged out of their sockets and my body ran stiff. He worked for them? Impossible.

"You're lying"

I said wanting him to confirm to me that he was part of Mistova's little killer group. I felt my heart grip and my mind stir with shock.

"I don't lie" He turned his head to meet eyes with me and I felt my cheeks burn as he stared down on my almost dried-up shirt. The car then jerked onto the nearest lane sending my face to the window and my legs slightly up. The seat belt stretching on my waist, I acted fine but felt my face paining and my waist screaming.

"Yes you do" I said looking towards me at the busy highway trying to sound just as tough as he was.

"I don't enjoy prattling with you, so you can end it right there"

This guy can go from talking properly with you to a monster within a blink of an eye . But I did sense he was not lying about the whole Daniel from Westwood is working with Mistova.

But I opened up to Daniel the day of the annual ball on everything that's been happening to me right now, what if he tells Blake?

Then this whole plan will be an utter mess.

But I discerned Daniel was not a bad person, maybe Christian really is lying about him. I let it go as I watched all sorts of people walk around the place I used to walk on, holding in this deafening scream of frustration.

I wanted to live with my parents again, I wanted to sleepover Elena's every Saturday, I just don't want anymore of this bull-loaded life, worrying about people who hurt me and will continue to taunt me, forced to marry someone so maddening. Ever since I was little I had high expectations of my wedding day, maybe that's why I'm so disappointed about the outcome, oh how I wished to marry my prince in shining armor, not Satan himself with a disguise as a human under the name of Christian.

I decamped my head, hefting it was my strong hand, feeling very restless and tired caused by the thoughts and people.

"Hey mom" I didn't care or didn't eavesdrop on Christian and his mother's phone conversation, simply not in the mood for anyone.

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