Chapter - 2 (Edited)

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"A Boy with Blond Hair, I Guess He Is Important To Me. BUT I WANTED TO KILL HIM WITH MY LIFE......"


So, I'm still in her faded memories, huh? The realization hit me hard, a wave of pain washing over me. I really did hurt her a lot. Even after her memory was erased, the rage to kill me still lingered in her heart. I clenched my fists, knowing I would have to face her in the future. Merlin patted my shoulder, trying to comfort me.

"If the boy is important to you, why would you have the rage to kill him? I don't get it," Diane asked, confused. She had no idea what had actually happened in the past. Kanani was about to answer, but we were interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

"We heard a complaint that there is a girl inside who is supposed to be imprisoned. Get her out, or you'll be in trouble!" a stern voice demanded.

I was about to respond when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Kanani smiling, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Let me have some fun!" she said with a smirk.

"Ha?" I was surprised. Fun? Was she going to toy with them? Her old habit, I thought, apprehensive.

Kanani opened the door, and the Holy Knight from before swung a punch at her. It happened so fast that we barely had time to react. Everyone in the hut was shocked, our eyes widening as Kanani dodged the attack effortlessly by simply moving her head. The knight, enraged, began to punch her repeatedly, but Kanani dodged every strike with ease.

"As weak as ever!" she taunted, provoking the knight further. The knight's face turned red with anger as he prepared to deliver a powerful punch. Kanani caught his fist with her hand, stopping his attack like it was nothing. We all watched in disbelief.

"You bastard!" another Holy Knight shouted from behind. He grabbed Kanani's neck and lifted her off the ground, choking her. The choker she wore around her neck fell off, revealing a symbol.

"IT CAN'T BE..." I shouted, my heart racing as everyone turned to look at me in surprise.

Hawk started trembling and shouting, "S-she is a s-sin...?!"

No, it couldn't be. This was the worst thing that could happen today.

"THE EIGHTH SIN... Royal Tiger of Rage!"

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IT ISN'T A SIN IT'S A MATE MARK (Meliodas X OC)Where stories live. Discover now