Chapter-4 (Edited)

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I woke up and found myself sleeping next to Meliodas. He had a goofy smile on his face, which made me feel a strange mix of warmth and confusion. I returned a pleasant smile to him, trying to push aside the unease that had settled in my chest.

"So, how was your sleep?" he asked, his voice light and cheerful.

I smiled again, albeit a bit forced this time. "Good... but about yesterday... you sensed it, didn't you? Do you know whose power it was?"

Meliodas's expression turned to one of confusion. "No, I don't..." he replied, but I could sense the lie behind his words.

Anger flared up inside me. 'A LIE...' I thought, my heart pounding with frustration. Trying to keep my emotions in check, I put on a fake worried look. "Then what are we going to do? I guess that tremor has something to do with the future..."

Meliodas shook his head. "Well, I don't think so... Get ready. I'll be downstairs; we have to start the bar."

He left the room, leaving me seething with anger at his deceit. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I changed into the dress Meliodas had given me, feeling a strange mixture of gratitude and resentment. As I headed downstairs, I noticed the absence of Ban and King. Only Merlin, Meliodas, Hawk, and Elizabeth were there. Diane must have gone shopping in her human size.

I joined them, feeling the tension in the air. Elizabeth looked at me with concern, but I couldn't bring myself to smile back genuinely.

"Good morning, Kanani," Elizabeth greeted me softly. "Are you feeling better?"

I nodded, avoiding her gaze. "Yes, thank you. Just trying to process everything."

Merlin, ever the observant one, glanced at me with curiosity. "Kanani, do you remember anything from yesterday? Any details that might help us understand what happened?"

I shook my head, frustrated with the gaps in my memory. "No, I just remember feeling overwhelmed by a presence... something dark and powerful."

Meliodas, trying to keep the mood light, interjected. "Let's not dwell on it too much. We have a bar to run, and we need to stay focused."

But his words did little to ease the growing unease within me. I couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was looming over us. As we started our tasks for the day, I kept stealing glances at Meliodas, trying to read the truth in his eyes. But he remained as cheerful and carefree as ever, masking whatever fears or knowledge he might be hiding.

 But he remained as cheerful and carefree as ever, masking whatever fears or knowledge he might be hiding

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(A/N: the dress that meliodas gave!!)

Time flew by as we busily worked in the bar. After a few hours, when the crowd had left and the bar was finally empty, Elizabeth approached me with a forced smile. 'She doesn't know how to act. Even her fake smile is obvious,' I thought, feeling a twinge of boredom.

IT ISN'T A SIN IT'S A MATE MARK (Meliodas X OC)Where stories live. Discover now