Chapter-5 (Edited)

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"Meliodas it is an emergency i sense a high-ranked demon power coming from Camelot, we have to go there soon as soon as possible!!" 


I snapped out of my thoughts and asked, "What did you just say, Merlin?! Demons?! How the hell did they come out?! I... I'm sorry for the language, but... WAIT, does thi-!"

Meliodas cut me off, "Come on, let's go!"

I cursed him in my mind, 'You are a literal jerk...'

"Ah?!" I blushed as Meliodas suddenly leaned in and kissed my cheek. I was so caught up in my frustration that his sudden affection took me by surprise, making me blush deeply.

Merlin transported us to Camelot, and the pig, Hawk's mom, began to fly. 'Wow, this is amazing!' I thought, my face lit up with awe. However, my excitement faded when I noticed a lower-ranked demon. "What a pain... Not a fun one to play with. Its power level is high only because of its size," I muttered with a bored expression.

Meliodas gave a grin that slowly turned into a smirk. 'Who is this guy exactly...?!' I wondered, but then I sensed an enormous amount of magic power. 'Nearly 160,000?! IMPOSSIBLE!'

"MELIODAS!" I almost screamed.

He turned to me, puzzled. "What's the matter, Kanani?"

"T-the city, we have to save it!" I blurted out, trying to divert his attention from what I was really concerned about.

He nodded and said, "Yup, I will. Merlin, transport me!" Merlin promptly transported him to the battlefield.

"Hey, Kanani, why don't you fight? Your power level is sixty-nine thousand, right?" Hawk stuttered.

"Are you frightened by my power level?" I asked, my tone both doubting and threatening. Hawk nodded vigorously, causing me to sweatdrop.

I was getting fed up. 'Meliodas got his secret treasure Lostvayne.' This is taking too long. I slowly began to walk toward the edge of the floor.

"Where do you think you're going? To suicide?" Elizabeth asked sadistically.

What a little girl. I smirked threateningly. "Yes, Elizab*tch," I said, falling backward. Everyone screamed my name, including Meliodas. I fell with sadistic laughter, and within a second, I was in front of the albino demon.

With my power level being 69,000, it had my full attention. It came at me with a powerful attack. I stood there, waiting.

"Kanani, move! The attack might hit you!" Meliodas shouted, rushing to save me.

Down below, Arthur stood in shock, his eyes locked on mine. He smirked when he saw my pleasant smile and shouted, "End it, Kanani! You gotta stop being reckless!"

I smirked back, giggling as I clapped my hands once for fun. The albino demon vanished instantly. Everyone stood as if they had seen a ghost while I hovered in the air, humming.

I noticed a dark aura emanating from Meliodas. I turned to see him glaring at Arthur, who wasn't looking at him. 'What's wrong with him? Am I missing something here?'

I floated down, landing softly beside Meliodas. "Is everything okay?" I asked, concerned.

Meliodas shook his head slightly, snapping out of his glare. "Yeah, everything's fine," he muttered, not entirely convincing.

Arthur approached, his expression serious. "Kanani, that was incredible. But you have to be more careful. Your recklessness could get you hurt."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Relax, Arthur. I knew what I was doing."

IT ISN'T A SIN IT'S A MATE MARK (Meliodas X OC)Where stories live. Discover now