Chapter-3 (Edited)

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"It's already complicated, Meliodas."

I left the room, eager to escape the suffocating awkwardness, and excused myself to go and sleep.


'It's true, I was jealous, but Elizabeth was the one who made me betray my own clan. Why should I be with her...!' It was late at night and everyone had almost fallen asleep. I took this chance to slip into Kanani's room, wanting to see her. She was sleeping peacefully, but my blood boiled as soon as I saw her in Ban's arms. She was hugging him for warmth, sleeping soundly.

I felt my demonic side beginning to take control. Rage coursed through me, and I struggled to keep my composure. "MELIODAS!!!" Who was that? "Gha!" I gasped as Merlin entered the room, calling my name to snap me back to my senses.

"Mind if we talk about reality, Captain?" she questioned seriously.

I looked at Kanani, then back at Merlin, and nodded in approval.



My mood was still gloomy. Kanani and Ban were getting along well, and it made me insanely jealous. Ban was my friend, but seeing them together made me ache with envy. A voice called out to me, "Meliodas!"

Was that Kanani? Why was she calling me? I answered, trying to mask my jealousy. "Yes, Kanani?"

"Am I related to you? I had a dream yesterday. We were training somewhere, and I don't recognize the place. It felt so real..." she said, her head bowed.

I sighed, torn between telling her the truth or keeping it to myself. Should I tell her? "Well... Kanani, it's that... GHA?!"

Suddenly, the ground shook violently. My heart pounded. DUMP DUMP

'This presence... it can't be them!' I clenched my fists, drawing everyone's attention in the Boar Hat. Kanani's face contorted with horror as she hugged herself tightly.

"This presence... what is it? It creeps my body... I can't handle it! It is killing me... it's overwhelming," she stammered, on the verge of tears.

Without warning, Kanani lost consciousness and fell backward. I rushed forward and caught her in a bridal style, my emotions shifting instantly from anger to concern.

"Merlin, what's happening?" I demanded, my voice edged with desperation.

Merlin's face was grim. "It's as I feared. They're coming. The presence you feel is the Ten Commandments."

Kanani stirred in my arms, whimpering in fear. "Meliodas, I don't understand. Why does this presence affect me so much?"

I looked into her eyes, filled with confusion and fear. "Kanani, there's a lot you don't know yet, but I promise I will protect you. No matter what." kanani completely lost her consciousness hearing my last few words as my body screamed with terror of their presence...

" kanani completely lost her consciousness hearing my last few words as my body screamed with terror of their presence

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