Chapter-6 (Edited)

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Elizabeth, that damn goddess, how dare she think she can touch my angel? I will kill her within a damn second. I pinned Elizabeth to the wall, my hands choking her, my vision clouded with rage. "MELIODAS!!" A scream broke through the haze, no, it was more—a demon's magic of conversation! 'MELIODAS... STOP! YOU AREN'T BEING YOURSELF! WAKE UP!' That voice...

"EBIS...!" I said with a smile, forcing myself to control my wrath and return to my normal self, my eyes reverting to their usual green. "Elizabeth... are you okay?" Kanani rushed to Elizabeth, trying to help, but Elizabeth pushed her away.

"Kanani, helping me doesn't mean I will back down. I will fight for what is mine!" Elizabeth declared, her voice trembling with determination.

Kanani smirked, surprising me. She walked to the door, waving her hand dismissively. "Well, well, I am not interested in this game because my heart has turned so cold. I don't fight for something that is mine because they will always be mine, no matter where I am and how I am. Those who try to snatch them will end miserably in my hands!" Her voice was laced with a dark aura, and the wooden doors cracked under the pressure of her power.

My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at her with seriousness in my eyes. She smiled a fake, cold smile as she said, "You know what my smile resembles now because your eyes are saying it out, M...ELIODAS..." She trailed off my name in a warning tone as she walked out of the hut, leaving me and Elizabeth alone.

I stood there, pure wrath boiling inside me. It is because of her... It is only because of her...

"Sir Meliodas, are you okay? I was worried..." Elizabeth's voice was sweet, but it rang false in my ears.

I let my demon energy flare up, glaring at her. "You keep your distance from me... Or... you die!" I said, my voice cold and deadly. I pushed her away, making her stumble and fall.

"Gha..." Elizabeth gasped, looking up at me with a mixture of fear and anger.

"Elizabeth," I said, my voice low and menacing, "you need to understand something. My heart, my loyalty, they don't belong to you. They never did. If you continue to push, to force something that was never yours to begin with, you will only find pain."

She stared at me, tears welling up in her eyes, but I could see the resolve hardening in her gaze. "Meliodas, I will fight for you. I won't give up on us, on what we had."

I shook my head, feeling the weight of the past and the complexity of the present pressing down on me. "Elizabeth, what we had is over. It's time for you to let go."

She clenched her fists, her voice shaking. "I can't... I love you."

I sighed, feeling a pang of regret. "Love isn't about possession, Elizabeth. It's about understanding, trust, and letting go when it's time. You need to find your own path, without me."

She got up slowly, wiping her tears. "I won't give up," she repeated, her voice softer but still resolute.

I watched her leave, the weight of our conversation heavy on my shoulders. Kanani's words echoed in my mind, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something monumental was shifting within me. The future felt uncertain, but one thing was clear—I would do whatever it took to protect those I cared about, even if it meant facing my own inner demons.


Today, something was off about Meliodas. He seemed different, more distant, and yet there was that underlying intensity. And Elizabeth—what does she think she is? That useless jerk. I recalled Meliodas's words, "You... what right do you have, you btch goddess?! You are nothing but sht here and yet you dare to touch someone dear to me?!"

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