Kinky 🥸

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I was sitting in the living room when I heard Nick calling my name while running down the stairs. He ran over to me on the couch, grabbed my hand, and told me to go upstairs to our room. He made me walk in front of him. As I walking up the stairs Nick smacked my ass. I looked back at him only to see him smirking at me. In that moment I knew exactly why he wanted to go to our room. He urged me to walk faster so I started running with him following close behind. We finally got in our room. Nick pinned me against the wall while closing and locking the door. He was roughly kissing me. His grip on me was so tight that I couldn't move. He stopped kissing me and looked down at me. "You won't be able to walk when I'm done with you" he said in almost a whisper. He started taking my shirt off. After he got my shirt off he moved me to the bed. He threw me down. He got on top of me and started kissing me again while trying to unhook my bra. He unhooked my bra and started to take his pants off. Once he got his pants off he looked at me and said "Try to be quiet babygirl or the others will hear us. Now do as I say or you'll be punished." I nodded at him as he started pounding into me. He had one hand on my waist and the other on my throat. I started to moan as he started going faster. I let out a "daddy" and he said "shhh babygirl." He got back on top of me while still pounding into me. He looked down at me. I was gripping the sheets and trying not to moan too loud. "You like that don't you. Yeah you do." He stopped and I whimpered at the loss of contact. He sat down and told me to get up. I stood up and said "Knees. Now." I got on my knees and started sucking. Nick was moaning. "Oh fuck" "Oh y/n faster" he said in between moans. He came in my mouth and was breathing heavily. I started to get dressed and he said "What do you think you're doing? I didn't say we were done." I put my clothes back down and looked at him. "What do you want me to do now?" Nick pointed at the bed as he was pulling something out of the closet. He tied me up and started eating me out. I was moaning mess. Finally I came and Nick untied me. He put everything away and laid down beside me. He looked at me and said "I love you so much." I asked him if he wanted to go get something to eat and he said "Only if you can walk." I said "I doubt I can but I'll try." I stood up and tried to walk to the door. I had to waddle. He looked at me and told me to lay down. He left the room and got us snacks. He got back with the snacks and said "Let's just cuddle and watch movies now."

An- Omfg I felt so grossed out writing this. But it's ok. I feel second hand embarrassment for myself but anything you people want in here I'll put in here. I hope you loved this chapter and I'll see you in the next one. ❤️

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