Broken 😌

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A/n- So I'm going to try something new with this chapter. It's still about Nick of course. But I'm going to try something different with the pov switching. Also Thank you for this many reads. It means so much to me. I'm putting out chapters as fast as I can.

--Y/n's Pov--

Nick and I were making a dancing in the rain tiktok. I propped my phone up and set the timer. I jumped into Nick's arms and kissed him. Then the video ended. Nick sat me back down on the ground so I could get my phone. I was walking to get my phone when I slipped and fell. I tried to get up but my leg hurt too much. I started crying as Nick was running over to me.

--Nick's Pov--

Y/n and I were making a dancing in the rain tiktok. We wanted to do it because every other couple on tiktok was doing it. She sat her phone up and started the timer. Once the timer was done she jumped into my arms and kissed me. She looked so beautiful. I didn't want her to slip so I sat her down carefully on the ground. She was walking over to get her phone when she slipped and fell. I saw her try to get up but she couldn't. As I was running over to her when she started crying. "Bubby, what hurts?" I whispered to her. "My leg really hurts" she said with her voice breaking. I helped her up and walked her to my car. I sat her down in the seat and  said "Bubby, I know your leg really hurts so I'm going to take you to the hospital ok?" She nodded her head yes. I shut her door and went inside to grab my keys and get her some dry clothes. I got her one of my hoodies and a pair of her sweats.

--Y/n's Pov--

He leaned down next to me and asked "Bubby, what hurts?" "My leg really hurts" I said with my voice breaking. He helped me up off the ground and walked me to his car. He opened the passenger side door and sat me down in the seat. He leaned down in front of me and said "Bubby, I know your leg really hurts so I'm going to take you to the hospital ok?" I nodded my head yes. He shut the door and went inside. I saw him come out with his keys and some dry clothes. He got in the drivers and shut his door. He looked over at me and handed me the dry clothes. "I know how much pain you're in right now so I went inside and I got you one of my hoodies and a pair of sweats." he said with sympathy. I ripped my shirt off and threw on his hoodie. I couldn't put the sweats on because my leg hurt too much to move. Nick put the key in and started the car. I turned on the radio while he started driving. I tried to move my leg again but it hurt so much. I started crying again. Nick moved his hand off of my thigh and held my hand the whole way there.

--Nick's Pov--

I handed Y/n my hoodie. She looked at me and ripped her shirt off. She excitedly put on my hoodie. I saw her try to put on the sweats but she couldn't move her leg. I started the car. She turned on the radio as I started driving. I put my hand on her thigh like I always do. I saw her try to move her leg again. She started crying. I moved my hand off of her thigh and held her hand instead. She looked over at me with puppy dog eyes. I felt really bad. I looked back at her and said "Aw Bubby, I'm sorry you're in pain. I love you though" She started crying even more. I held her closer to me as we were pulling into the hospital parking lot. I got out of the car and helped Y/n out. I picked her up and carried her into the hospital. I sat her down in one of the chairs in the waiting room. I said "You sit here and don't try to move your leg. I"m going to go sign you in." She nodded at me and I walked up to the lady at the desk. I signed her in and sat down next to her. She pulled me closer to her and she kissed me. She laid her head on my shoulder and I laid my head on hers. "Y/n/l/n" I heard the doctor callI looked down and saw that Y/n fell asleep. I softly shook her and whispered "Bubby, the doctor called you" I picked her up and followed the doctor to her room.

--Y/n's Pov--

I was still crying as we were pulling into the hospital parking lot. Nick got out of the car and came around to my side. He picked me up and carried me into the hospital. When we got inside he sat me down in a chair and said "You sit here and don't try to move your leg. I'm going to go sign you in" He finished signing me in and he came and sat next to me. I pulled him closer to me and I kissed him. I was feeling really tired so I laid my head on his shoulder.  He laid his head on top of mine. I fell asleep waiting on the doctor. Nick made me feel safe. His scent. His touch. Everything about him was so comforting. Just knowing that he was there with me is what kept me from crying even more. I woke up to Nick shaking me. "Bubby, the doctor called you" He stood up and picked me up. We started following the doctor to my room. Once we got to my room he sat me down on the bed. I laid back and he laid back with me. I laid my head on his chest and he sat there on his phone texting everyone. Everyone at home was worried about me. We patiently waited for the doctor. All the nurses came in and took me back for x rays. The doctor came in and said "Yeah, you definitely broke it. We are going to go ahead and put it in a cast. What color would you like?" I looked up at Nick and he suggested blue. I looked at the doctor and said "Blue please" The doctor walked out of the room and Nick went back to texting everyone to tell that I'm ok. The doctor came back a few minutes later with the cast. He sat down on the stool and started wrapping my leg up. When he finished he told me to sign some papers and then we could leave. I signed them and then Nick picked me up and carried me back to the car. Before he sat me in the seat he kissed me on the cheek. He got in his seat and put his hand on my thigh. He started the car and we went home. Nick took really good care of me as always.

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