Sickk 😌

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--Y/n's Pov--

I woke up cuddled into Nick's chest. I was feeling really nauseous so I got up and went to the bathroom. Nick felt me get off the bed and woke up. I was washing my face in our bathroom when he snuck behind me and hugged me. He turned me around and said "Bubby, I need a kiss". I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He walked out of the bathroom and sat on our bed. I started brushing my teeth when I felt like I was going to throw up. I sat down next to the toilet and it all ame up. Nick saw me and came running over to me. He sat next to me holding my hair back with one hand and rubbing my back with the other. I was finally done. I lifted my head up and looked at Nick while crying. He moved closer to me and sat me in his lap. I tried to crawl away from him but when I did he pouted at me and said "Why do you keep crawling away from me?" "I don't want you to get sick too" I said. "I don't care if I get sick. I just want to be there for you." he said in response. "Come here Bubby" he said while pouting at you. I crawled back over to him and he picked me up and sat me in his lap. I wrapped my arms around him as he rubbed my back with one hand and held me with the other. "Can we go lay down and cuddle now?" I asked. "You can go lay down. I have to go to Target and get you some medicine" he said. I pouted at him and went to lay down. I watched him clean up our bathroom while I scrolled through people's twitter accounts. He finished cleaning up our bathroom and got dressed. He walked over to me before leaving. "I'm gonna go to Target with Chase. Don't get up, you need to rest. If you need anything call me. I love you" Nick instructed. "I love you more" I mumbled. "Not possible" I heard him whisper. He kissed me on my forehead and walked out of our bedroom door. I rolled over and went back to sleep.

--Nick's Pov--

I was sleeping when I woke up to Y/n getting up. I watched her walk to our bathroom. I waited for her to turn around before sneaking up behind her and hugging her. I turned her around to face me. "Bubby, I need a kiss" I said, giving her puppy dog eyes. I walked out of our bathroom and sat on our bed. I watched her brush her teeth. I looked away for one second to unlock my phone when I heard her throwing up. I ran to the bathroom and sat down next to her. I was rubbing her back with one hand and held her hair back with my other hand. When she was finally done she gifted her head up and looked at me. I saw that she was crying so I moved closer to her. I picked her up and sat her in my lap. She crawled away so I pouted at her and said "Why do you keep crawling away from me?" She said "I don't want to get you sick too" I looked at her with a sympathetic look and said "I don't care if I get sick. I just want to be there for you." "Come here Bubby" I said with a pouty face. She crawled back over to me. I picked her up and sat her in my lap. She wrapped her arms around me. I was holding her with one hand and rubbing her back with the other. I heard her say "Can we lay down and cuddle now?" I knew I had to go get her medicine so I told her "You can go lay down. I need to go to Target and get you some medicine" She gave me a pouty face as she went to lay down. She watched me as I cleaned up the bathroom. After I finished that I got dressed. I walked over to our bed before leaving and I said "I'm gonna go to Target with Chase. Don't get up, you need to rest. Call me if you need anything. I love you." "I love you more" I heard her mumble. I turned around and whispered "Not possible" I turned back around and walked out the door. I went downstairs looking for Chase. I was standing in the kitchen when I faintly heard WAP playing in the living room. I walked to the living room and saw Chase doing the WAP dance next to Thomas. I walked into the frame and pushed Chase out of frame. I started twerking in frame. "That's going in the drafts" Chase said while laughing. While Chase was laughing I pulled him next to the stairs and whispered "Y/n is sick. She has a stomach bug. Can you come to Target with me?" "Yeah of course I'll go." Chase said just below a whisper. We walked away from the stairs and out the front door. We got in my car and I drove us to target. I handed Chase a mask and we got out of the car. "Ok, here's the game plan, You get the medicine, I'm gonna get Y/n a little surprise." I said to Chase as we were walking into the store. We walked through the doors and split up. I was walking through Target looking for the perfect surprise when I saw a teddy bear. I immediately ran over to grab it. I grabbed and started looking for Chase. I walked towards the medicine isles. I saw Chase in one of the isles. He grabbed the medicine off the shelf and ran over to me. "Look at this cute teddy bear I found" I said. "It's perfect, she'll love it" Chase said in response. I motioned for him to follow me. I walked to the registers with Chase right beside me. I grabbed the medicine out of Chase's hand and scanned it along with the teddy bear. I paid for and put the stuff in a bag. I grabbed the bag and motioned for Chase to follow me again. We got back in my car and I drove us home. As soon as we got home I bolted through the front door and ran up to Y/n in our room. I opened our bedroom door and said "Bubby I'm home" She looked at me with grabby arms.

--Y/n's Pov--

I was laying on our bed with my back to the door. The door opened and I heard "Bubby I'm home" I got really excited. I turned around to face him with grabby arms motioning for him to cuddle with me. He said "Bubby I have to go get you some water to take your medicine with. Also look in the bag. I got you a little something else." I looked in the bag and saw the bear.  "Baby I love it! But I love you more" I said in an excited yet soft voice. "Ok Bubby stay here I'll be right back. I'm just going to the kitchen to get you some water." Nick said. "No, don't leave me again" I whined. He picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I kissed him on the cheek and we went downstairs to get water. We walked downstairs. I was holding onto Nick tighter than I ever have. We got to the kitchen and he sat me on the counter next to the sink. He handed me 2 pills and a glass of water. "Take your medicine. I don't like seeing you miserable like this Bubby" Nick said. I took the pills and Nick picked me back up. Nick carried me upstairs and laid me on our bed. I motioned for him to cuddle with me with grabby ams. He laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I cuddled into him. He made me feel safe. His touch. His scent. Everything about him was perfect. We both fell asleep. I love him.

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