Kissing my best friend 😌

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A/n- I'm sorry it took so long to get this chapter written. I'm writing as fast as I can. Also I'm so sorry that it's kind of short.

--Y/n's Pov--
Nick and I have been inseparable ever since I joined the Hype House. He's been there or me since day one of me living in the house. Literally. I was sitting on my bed scrolling through twitter when I heard a knock on my door. I got up and walked towards the door. "It's Nick" I heard from the other side of the door. I opened the door and hugged Nick. I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him inside. He told me to sit down so I did. "I have something I want to tell you but I can't do it here.  Get dressed and meet me by my car in 30 minutes." He said sort of nervously. I smiled and nodded at him. He walked out of my room and I started walking towards my bathroom so I could shower. What did Nick want to tell me? I've always had feelings for him but I don't know if he feels the same. Could that be what he wants to tell me? I snapped out of my thoughts and got in the shower. After I showered I got dressed and did my makeup and hair. I heard another knock on my door. Once again I heard "It's Nick". I opened the door and he pushed past me and sat on my bed. "What are you doing?" I said in confusion. "Oh I just like watching you do your hair" he said calmly. "Well I've already done my hair but you can feel free to stay while I finish my makeup" I said back to him. He smiled and stood up. He grabbed one of my makeup wipes and wiped my makeup off. "You look beautiful with no makeup" he said. I smiled and hugged him. He grabbed my hand and led me to his car. He opened the passenger side door and said "M'lady" I laughed for a minute.

--Nick's Pov--

Y/n has been my best friend since the day she moved into the Hype House. I've had a crush on her since the minute I saw her for the first time. Today was the day I was going to ask her to go out with me. I saw that there was a new tiktok trend called kissing my best friend. This was the perfect opportunity. I told Thomas and Chase about my plan. They laughed at me. I ran up to Y/n's room as fast as possible. I knocked on her door and said "It's Nick" She opened the door, grabbed me by the arm, and dragged me into her room. I very excitedly said "I have something I want to tell you but I can't tell you here. Get dressed and meet me by my car in 30 minutes"  I said with a sort of nervous voice. She smiled and nodded as I walked out of her room. I ran back to my room so I could get ready. I opened my bedroom door to find Ryland sitting on my bed. "Are you nervous?" he said questioning me. "Yeah, of course I am" I said. Ryland got on his phone while I was getting in the shower. When I got out of the shower Ryland was gone. I walked to my closet and got dressed. After I got dressed I did my hair and brushed my teeth. I was done getting ready. I just wanted to be with Y/n so I went up to her room and knocked on the door. "It's Nick" I said so she would open the door. I walked right past her and sat on her bed. "What are you doing?" she said confused. I came up with the excuse "I just like watching you do your hair" She said "Well I've already done my hair but you can feel free to stay while I finish my makeup" I had a good idea. I stood up and smiled. I grabbed a makeup wipe and took off her makeup. "You look beautiful with no makeup" I said. She smiled and hugged me. I grabbed her hand and led her to my car. I opened the passenger door and said "M'lady" She laughed at me for a minute.

--Y/n's Pov--

I sat down in my seat and Nick closed the door. He walked around to the other side of the car and got in the driver seat. He handed me a blindfold and told me to put it on. Nick put his hand on my thigh as he was driving. When we arrived Nick got out of the car to help me out. After he helped me out he grabbed my hand and we started walking. It was kind of a long walk. We finally arrived where Nick wanted us to be. He took the blindfold off of me and pulled me into a kiss. He pulled away and I looked at the ground. Nick told me to look at him and said "Y/n I have loved you for so long. But I wasn't sure if you loved me too. So now I'm asking. Do you love me?" I moved closer to him and said "Of course I love you. I always have. I never stopped and never will" He pulled me even closer to him and said "So will you go out with me?" "Of course I will" I whispered.

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