Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

I didn't tell Greg or Zayn about the news. Of course not. Jeez, just imagining how much they would've freaked out if they'd have known... there wasn't a reason to panic, really. All the doctors were dead and Charles Wilson or William Goldstein or whoever was dead too. But I couldn't help but want to know what the hell had happened to me when I was a baby. Louis was right, all the pieces put together really seemed to be evidence that I must've been safed... taken... whatever from that hospital that day. How and why I got to my parents, especially as it happened in the middle of the night was another question, one that I didn't know how to ever get the answer for. I still thought we needed to find out who Dean was, because he apparently knew what was going on. But we had absolutely no lead where we could start looking for him, so that was a dead end too.

It was also a question how I had gotten into those experiments when I was apparently born in Nebraska, but that was an entirely different story. I even contemplated talking to Madeline about it, see if she could maybe find out more about that raid at the hospital or about a stolen baby, but I didn't want Greg to find out that i was talking to her. And after all, it didn't matter. I was safe here in Glenwood, safe from any crazy doctors, safe from experiments, right? They were all dead and even this Dean-person told my parents that I was safe... only that they were killed a short couple of months after. At the hands of William Goldstein. Hell, nothing of this made any sense and my head was hurting thinking about it. I should just leave this for now. Focus on my babies, just like everybody was telling me. Nobody knew about me being here, so I was safe, my family and friends were safe, right? I could worry about that when the babies were here, one less thing to worry about...

The fall this year was already pretty cold and although the leaves turned all the beautiful gold and red colors, I was tempted to stay inside all day. Which of course wouldn't happen living on a ranch. It was October so I was 6 months pregnant now and the beginning of this month had me on edge. It would mark one year since we lost our first baby and the guilt washed over me that we were already having a new baby... or two. I knew Zayn felt the same, but he never expressed it and I also knew that we shouldn't feel like this, we were allowed to move on, of course we were, but sometimes I still felt like I had replaced him. Which I didn't, I could never, Levi would stay in my heart and by my side forever and ever, but knowing that it had almost been a year since we lost him made me feel really uneasy. It pushed me out of the house whenever I wasn't doing my regular work and chores and I took pretty long walks with Ginny, as I couldn't get on her back anymore thanks to my already pretty big bump, the fresh air making me feel free and my thoughts less heavy.

Today the weather was so nice and although it was cold and I had to bundle up in jackets and a scarf and hat, the sun was shining through the colored leaves and Ginny and I had walked pretty far off the ranch. I hadn't even realized how long we were walking for, being pretty caught up in my thoughts and now I realized that we should probably turn around. I must've been gone for at least an hour already and we still had to get back, making me know that Zayn would be very mad at me for staying out so long. He was worried about me 24/7 which was actually pretty cute, but also kind of annoying. But I knew he was just overjoyed about the babies and wanted to be a good husband and take care of me the way he should. 

During this pregnancy I actually felt so much better than during my last. I didn't have very bad morning sickness, my hormonal outbursts didn't come as frequently and in general I felt a lot calmer. Dr. Jones said that during my pregnancy with Levi all of those symptoms had nothing to do with him being sick, but right now I still somehow felt like my body was trying to fight the sick baby and now it just felt more content. When I finally made it back home my feet hurt and my back didn't feel all too great either, but my mind was free and I felt really happy. I quickly took Ginny to the stables and dried her off so she wouldn't get a cold. It was pretty quiet today on the ranch and I was wondering where my brother or Zayn were, but figured that they might be in the riding hall. An uneasy feeling settled into my stomach, as I walked the short distance over to the living house and kicked off my shoes in the mudroom. I didn't know what it was but I had learned to trust my gut feelings and the fact that nobody was here made me anxious. 

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