Chapter 7

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My first reaction to her absolutely ridiculous words was to laugh out loud. Pregnant, what kind of bullshit was that even? But then I looked at the doctors faces and saw them not laughing, they were still smiling, but not laughing like they've pranked me somehow. "Wait, what?", I asked then, feeling very confused.  "This is not a joke?"

Dr. Jones shook her head and my grin faltered into a confused and shocked expression. What the heck?!

"But... how?" I didn't even manage to say a full sentence, my head just felt completely empty. Greg looked just as shocked as I did, his mouth hanging slightly open.

"How can this be? Is that even possible?", he then asked and I felt his hand on my knee, squeezing it in a comforting way.

"Well, yes it is possible, but it's just extremely rare, you could say that you're a medical wonder" I huffed out a humorless laugh at that, I didn't care if I was some kind of wonder, I wanted answers to this ridiculous situation. She put a few ultrasound pictures on the desk in front of us and tapped her pen on them.

"You have the ability to get pregnant because you have all the female sexual organs too" My mouth fell open at that and I looked at the pictures in total disbelief. "Look those are ovaries, uterus and..." She circled an area on one picture. "... that's an embryo" I stared at the picture, couldn't really see what it showed, but then she gave me another one and I could just make out the silhouette of something that looked like a shrimp.

"I- I just can't believe this", I finally said, not being able to wrap my head around the fact that this was supposed to be my insides.

"Yeah, I understand that", she said before sliding another paper over to me. "But those are your blood results and they also clearly show that this is true. You're going to have a baby" My mind just felt completely blank now. I knew that I should probably be happy, at least most people were, but right at this moment the only thing I could think about was that I was a freak and that people would see me as one too. Oh my goodness, how should I even go to school like that?

Then the doctor looked up at me again and smiled a little. "You're eight weeks along, that means the embryo is about as big as a blackberry" A blackberry. Eight weeks along. I couldn't even think straight, but as if it was an instinct, one of my hands went to my lower stomach, feeling over the little pudge that had formed there already.

Greg finally spoke up again after having been quiet for a while. "But... this has to be a very rare thing right? I've never even heard that this is something that could happen"

"Yes, it is extremely rare. It's hard to tell how many men really have the body to make that possible, as sexual intercourse has to happen at the right time and then in some cases, embryos don't nest... it's just really, really unlikely to happen, but... in some cases we're lucky enough to see that wonder" I could only listen half heartedly. This was crazy. 

"But another question, this is something that probably was already discovered when you were a baby, how come nobody knew about this?" I looked at Greg, who was already looking at me, one hand resting on my back, while I still held the other tightly.

"Our parents died ten years ago", he then said, turning his gaze to the doctors again. "I don't know if they knew, but they never told us"

"Oh, I am so sorry. But nevertheless, you probably noticed a few things during puberty, your voice broke a little later I guess and you have a tendency to curvy hips, am I right?" I nodded at that and for the first time since we got to know the news, I felt somewhat glad, glad that there was an explanation to things.

"So this basically means that I am a freak", I finally said, my voice void of any emotion and both doctors and Greg shook their heads.

"Niall, no", Dr. Jones said, smiling at me. "You're not a freak, you're special and that's something that is really beautiful... and I'm sure, whoever's the father to this baby saw exactly that in you" I huffed at that. Gosh, how should I even tell Zayn about this?

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