Chapter 31

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Aaah guys I am so so sorry for updating so late, but I'm still struggling with the ending of this book, so I'm kinda holding of on updating
Anyways, here it is, enjoy reading and please leave a vote or comment :*
xoxo Annie
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The tall man took a deep breath, his features softening as he looked at me. He looked so familiar that it hurt to just look at him. Was this even real or did I start hallucinating now?

"Ni", he said, sounding out of breath as he held out his hand to me.

"Daddy!" I all but threw myself at him, a choked sob escaping me, as he squeezed me so tightly that I almost couldn't breathe. It was really him, I wasn't just imagining this. "What- how-" I couldn't finish my sentence and instead buried my face in my dad's chest, breathing in his smell that was incredibly familiar. It was really him, my father, he wasn't dead.

I felt his own body being wrecked with silent sobs, his head laying on top of mine as he held me close to him, nothing but us existing in this moment.

"Are you hurt?", he asked and held me away from him to look over me and I shook my head and wiped my eyes with the palms of my hands, tears still swimming in them. "Did they do anything to you?"

"No... no, I'm okay, Dr. Jones stopped it before anything happened, what are you doing here?! How did you get here, dad, what- how are you here?" My father let out a very wet laugh and hugged me again, his hand on the back of my head, holding me to his chest. 

"I didn't die, obviously, Dean got me out of the hospital before anybody would notice.. but it was too dangerous to come back, we didn't know if somebody was still after us and coming back might have put you or Greg in danger " Wait a minute... Dean? I looked up and turned around to see Liams dad smiling at me.

"Sorry for lying to you all those years, but yes, my real name is Dean and it was important for your safety that you wouldn't find out about it" I was just completely flabbergasted at everything that had happened during the last two minutes. And there was still that nagging feeling of being in danger that kept me on my toes.

"But... what?", I just got out, confused and happy at the same time. Geoff... was Dean... oh my goodness, this was just so weird.

"Details follow, we have to get out of here first", the man whom I had known my entire life said and I couldn't help but stare at him, unable to fully comprehend what I had just found out.

"So... you... why are you all here? How did you know where I am?", I asked and he sighed. He took a quick look out of the small window behind him to see that the corridor was empty, but a little farther off voices could be heard. I looked around for the first time, shocked to see that we seemed to be in a morgue, but that was probably the safest place to hide right now, as nobody would expect us in here... at least for a few minutes.

"I'm a secret agent... and I was after the scientists in this organization ever since my boss first told me about the illegal experiments. 19 years ago, when we finally found the location of their lab, we totally hadn't expected to find all the subjects dead... except for you. We couldn't take down all of the doctors, so I knew I had to take you somewhere safe where they wouldn't find you, preferably somewhere where I could keep an eye on you. I knew that Maura and Bobby were desperately trying for another baby, so I asked them if they'd wanna take you in. None of us thought that they'd ever find you and when we realized... it was too late, for your mom at least", he explained, a sad expression appearing on his face and my dad squeezed me even tighter. I gnawed on my lip. There were so many more questions I had, but I knew that now wasn't the right time, we still had to get out of here.

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