Chapter 13

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For weeks now I had noticed Greg somehow being stressed. Not the usual kind of stress that came with having his own farm and over 20 horses to handle, no, it was more of a nervous jumpy sort of stress. I had asked him multiple times what was wrong and he always just shrugged it off and by now I was fully believing it was because of me. I knew that my hormones made my brain overreact sometimes, but this jumpiness that always came when I entered the room just made me feel very anxious.

It was August now and as the weather was hot and beautiful, Louis, liam and i spent our friendship time outside, having a picnic in the backyard like when we were younger and all of us were laughing a lot, but both of them seemed to sense, that something was off with me. I heard shouting inside of the house and strained my ears, trying to hear something but I didn't understand the words, just that Greg and Denise were fighting. Again. They did that a lot recently, which was odd, as they usually never fought.

"Hey, Niall!", Louis snapped his fingers right in front of my face and I jumped in shock.

"Jesus, Lou, you startled me", I sighed, soothingly rubbing my belly, where my baby moved around, seemingly startled too.

"Sorry, just... we were talking to you for minutes without you listening... what's wrong?" I gulped and ran a hand over my face.

"I don't know it's... Greg is acting weird recently and he won't talk to me about it, he snaps at people without a reason and can you hear them fighting? I just wanna know what's going on, so I can help him", I complained to them and they both looked concerned at what I told them.     

"Do you think, you guys maybe have money issues at the moment?", Liam asked slowly and I saw his eyes flicker down to my bump, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What? You mean because I am an inconvenience because I'm having a baby? Trust me, I already know that"

"Ni, no, of course not", Liam was quick to reassure. "I don't mean that, it's just... maybe he's struggling with trying to sort things out, because you won't be able to help a lot anymore once the baby is here and even before that... and a baby costs money too, you know... but nobody sees you as an inconvenience" I pouted at him for a few more seconds, before, to my horror, I just bursted into tears.

"I-I don't know, I just... feel like m'a burden to everybody an' my emotions are all over the place and I don't know how-how to feel most of the time and now Greg is acting weird and Zayn doesn't have so much time for me, he-he is working on the idea of opening a part time tattoo studio here at home, he has the license and stuff, just needs the space and I just feel so damn horny all the time" My words stumbled out without even thinking about them, but froze, when I realized what I had just said. Liam and Louis had their lips tightly pressed together and I saw that they were trying not to laugh, before I just started to laugh and after looking at me like I was crazy for a few seconds they just joined in.

"Ni, you're... you're killing me", Louis got out between his laughters and I boxed him in the arm.

"Shut up, idiot, I'm allowed to, I'm in the middle of growing a human"

"Yeah and now we both at least know what you and Zayn are up to when you alone" They both grinned at me, Louis wiggling his eyebrows, before Liam turned serious.

"But really, you need to talk to Greg, find out what is going on and you will probably find out that you're just being overdramatic"

We all got up, Liam and Louis carrying the heavy stuff back to the house and I gestured for them to just leave it all on the porch, as I saw Greg sitting at the kitchen table through the windows and decided that we could do this conversation right now.

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