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   Kurapika flushed a strawberry red, eyes turning a similar hue. He held both hands over his beating chest and looked anywhere but the three boys he stood between. Leorio, Killua, and Gon stared down at him, all wearing smiles displaying varying degrees of mischief as now all three towered over the poor flustered blond by quite a few inches.

He refused to look any of them in the eyes. Instead he drilled a hole into the floor with a piercing stare as he meekly began to twirl a lock of hair between his fingers anxiously.

   "Killua, Gon. It's lovely to see you two again."

   "You're so small—"

"Shut up! You two both grew a foot since the last time I saw you!" He defensively snapped as he turned to glare at gon. Any semblance of embarrassment dissipated the moment the words left the kid's mouth.

   "Don't be mean Kurapika."

"He can't help it, Reolio, he's so small it has no where else to go." Killua snickered.

   "It's Leorio."

"You three, stop it." Kurapika huffed.

   "He's like a crab!"

"I am NOT afraid to throw away the lasagna I just made."

"More like a territorial squirrel." Killua chimed in, and that was Kurapika's breaking point.

   "That's it! No lasagna!" He stomped into the kitchen, grabbing the tinfoil platter from off the counter and a fork from their silverware drawer. He stomped out into the hallway and walked into their bathroom with determination and frustration burning in his eyes. Leorio rushed after him, a nervous sweat coating his brow, quickening his pace as the door slammed shut and the click of its lock made its way to his ears.

   "Kurapika— NO! IM SORRY!"

   "Go away!"

   "Wait, no! Not the Italian cake!" Gon cried, suddenly realizing what had happened he grew increasingly distressed at the thought of Kurapika locking himself in there overnight with their lasagna.

   They spent two hours, two, hours, trying to convince Kurapika to come out of the bathroom. They tried everything from smoking him out, (which only led to a short visit from the police with a complaint in hand), to picking the lock, and nothing worked. It was ridiculous. When they agreed to meet up again for old times sake this definitely wasn't exactly how any of them expected it to play out.

Now the three sat in a semicircle around the bathroom door, munching on some Chinese takeout as they casually chatted about anything and everything. There was an attempt to include Kurapika but the blonde had either passed out or was completely ignoring them.

   Leorio, in the middle of complaining about how his landlord was so cheap he had to do all of his house repairs himself despite living in an apartment, paused. A look of realization washing over him as he scrambled to push away the food from the door. The two teens looked at him with puzzled expressions as he ran to grab something from the kitchen, only to come back with a screwdriver gripped tightly in his hand. The two shared a smile and shuffled back, watching giddily as he quietly unscrewed the two bolts in the knob. He grabbed the door knob and pulled it from its spot in the door, listening as its other half fell to the tile floor with a clank, startling the poor blond.

"Oh you people are ridiculous."

   "Says you!" Leorio swung the door open to find Kurapika curled up in the corner of the bathtub, the nibbled on lasagna sat in front of him on the rim of the tub.

"Didn't you just lock yourself in a bathroom for two and half hours?" Killua asked, standing up with Gon as Kurapika rolled his eyes. The greenette rushed into the bathroom, eyes set on Kurapika but got momentarily distracted by the lasagna. He ultimately ended up inside of the bathtub with the blonde, pulling him into his chest by his shoulders as he began to pepper kisses to his cheeks.

"We missed you. Why'd you leave, huh? We wanted to spend time with you." He giggled into his cheek, still peppering kisses to the blonds pink face as his words began to muffle and slur together as he incoherently baby talked Kurapika into a good mood.

   Kurapika laughed and tried pushing him away. His hair falling into his face as he practically shrieked when Gon blew a raspberry against his neck. "No please!" He doubled over in laughter, tears pooling in his eyes as he tried and failed to scoot away from Gon.

Leorio grinned at the two, and watched Kurapika with soft eyes. Internally swooning over the sound of his laughter, but his loving looks and admiration were cut short by Killua coughing into his hand.

   They made eye contact and the blue blood scoffed. "You are so gay." He chuckled, following Gon into the tub. He squeezed in next to the two to join their conversation, cringing as he watched Gon eat some of the 'bathroom lasagna'. "Hey, Reolio—"


   "Same thing, anyways, grab the food and get in the tub."

"We have a table—"

"It is tub time!" Gon shouted, with a mouthful. "Quality, homie, tub time!"

   "Okay, okay!" Leorio threw his hands up in submission. "And don't talk with your mouth full!" He huffed and piled the takeout boxes in his arms before handing them to Killua, who had swapped spots with Gon. Although he was tempted to just drop them on the teen. He squeezed in behind Kurapika, unintentionally pulling him onto his lap so he could better squish himself into the tub.

"You know," Leorio began, running a hand through his hair before grabbing the noodles from Killua's lap. "I think we'd fit better if Gon wasn't so beefy."

   Gon didn't seem offended, he grinned happily and replied with a quiet, "Thank you!" But Killua gasped in horror, and slapped a hand on Gon's chest defensively.

   "You're not allowed to comment on Gon's body when you're dead built like a Dorito!"

   "I am not dead built like a Dorito!"

   "Yes you are!"

   "Am not!"




Gon and Kurapika tuned the two out, eating peacefully and sharing looks as a way of silent communication. Weird reunion, to say the least, but none of them expected any less.

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