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I come with a heavy heart to say that I've unfortunately made the decision to delete my story. It was a hard choice but in the end I feel like it's only for the better— nah I'm just fucking with you, April fools bitch, I'm back.
Now let's eat some cake

   Siting on a curb with Leorio's jacket laying in his lap as the two ate late night food truck pizza was not exactly how Kurapika had imagined his Saturday night going. He actually didn't know what he had expected but it certainly wasn't this. Despite the questionable quality of the food they were eating, and the fact that they were locked out of their apartment indefinitely, the two of them were actually... enjoying their night together.

   So what if they ran three miles to chase the feral cat that stole Leorio's house key. So what if they were sweaty, cold, and out of breath. So what if the only way they could sit was to huddle against each other so the wind couldn't blow away their pizza slices. They were having a good time, surprisingly.

   "I'm sorry." Leorio's voice rang through the night air. Accompanied by the sound of footsteps from passing pedestrians, engines revving, and sirens in the distance, Kurapika almost didn't register what was said.

   "Oh, Leorio. There's no need to apologize."

   "Of course there is, it's my fault that stupid fucking cat ran off with my keys."

   "But I was the one who left my keys in the house by mistake."

   "But I was the one who forgot to pickup my car before work which is why you had to leave the apartment in the first place."

   "That's true, you were also the one who lost our only spare key."

   "Yeah, and I forgot our landlord changed his number."

   "And you were the one who kept feeding that alley cat when I told you to stop. All in all, I suppose you're right, you should be apologizing."

   Leorio scoffed, using his hand to push his glasses up to rest at the top of his head. "Way to rub it in, blondie."

   "It's what I'm best at."

   With a sigh he leaned more against Kurapika to keep warm as cold air blew past them. His tie that he had thrown over his shoulder to avoid catching any pizza sauce had fallen after dancing with the breeze. It swung softly, like the pendulum of a ticking clock till Kurapika pinched it between his fingers without much thought, and as another gust of wind blew by he used it to pull Leorio even closer.

   With a soft smile Leorio took Kurapika's empty paper plate from his lap and began to stand. "Come on Kurapika, let's go."

   "Where are we going?" He watched inquisitively as leorio dusted the dirt off the back of his scrubs.

   "On a walk, there's gotta be a motel around here somewhere."

   Kurapika stared at him but with a sigh he soon followed, draping Leorio's jacket over his petit shoulders as he walked with him.

   "You know, we seem to end up in motels a lot."

   Kurapika looked to Leorio with a cocked brow. "How do you mean, Leorio?"

The many ways I love you [Leopika Oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now