A Shoulder to cry on

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   Kurapika stood quietly in the kitchen. His hands clasped around his coffee mug, sipping on it every now and then as he waited for Leorio's tea to finish brewing. Normally he'd make a snarky comment, about how coffee was better than tea, or how he was surprised that a doctor of all people fresh out of college wasn't using coffee as his life support, but not tonight. Tonight was different.

   Tonight, when Leorio came through the door, his hands were trembling. He wasn't smiling. He didn't greet Kurapika. He just dropped his belongings next to his shoes by the door and silently made his way to the couch. Kurapika held his own as a feeling of dread washed over him, almost as if Leorio's lack of charisma was a bad omen. Like a murder of crows, or killing a spider. Kurapika both silently chuckled and shuddered. Killing a spider brings bad luck, or so the superstition says. If that were true Kurapika would definitely be at the top of lady Karma's shit list, but that's not the point.

   He picked the cup of tea up off of the stove and began mixing in some creamer, periodically glancing over at Leorio's defeated figure. With pursed lips and ever growing curiosity he headed into the living room, both drinks in hand, determined to get to the bottom of whatever was plaguing the brunette he had come to love.

   "Leorio?" He called to him softly, holding his tea out for him to take. Leorio quickly rubbed at his eyes, sniffing a little before clearing his throat. All just to take the tea from Kurapika's hands without looking at him, not even a small "thank you,". Just a light nod as he continued to stare straight ahead at nothing. He didn't even drink what was handed to him, instead choosing to set it down on the coffee table before letting his hands fall into his lap.

   "Leorio?" Kurapika asked again, a little louder now, as he sat on the couch next to him. Both hands delicately grasping his half empty mug. "Is everything alright?"

   Leorio turned towards him and Kurapika felt like his chest had caved in. He had never seen Leorio cry, he never wanted to, but there's always a first. Leorio's nose and cheeks were bright pink, his eyes were glossed over and puffy, his lips were slightly parted, and his brows were furrowed. Kurapika felt his blood run cold and his palms grow sweaty, hurriedly placing his cup down on their coffee table so he could use his thumbs to brush away any stray tears.

   "My love." He spoke softly again, barely above a whisper. "What happened?"

Leorio could only shake his head, being in no position to talk as even without audibly crying his throat felt clogged.

   "Did something happen at work?"
Kurapika pried. Frowning when he was only met with a nod. "Was it your boss?" He shook his head. "A coworker?" Another small shake. "A patient?" After a few seconds of consideration Leorio replied with a small, slow nod. It only took Kurapika a moment before it hit him. "Oh, Leorio." He mumbled.

   He shuffled to his knees as he wrapped his arms around Leorio's torso, rubbing his back and letting Leorio's head fall into the crook of his neck. Soon enough Leorio began to shake, small whimpers fell from his mouth as his arms snaked around Kurapika's shoulders, a hand resting on the back of his head. They both sat there, Leorio's shoulders heaving with every silent sob as Kurapika soothingly rubbed his back.

   "It's kind of pathetic." He croaked out, softly sniffling. "When I was still in school my professor told me that I needed to understand that I couldn't save everyone. I like to think that I do understand. It just doesn't make any death less devastating." His shoulders shook again as his voice faltered. Kurapika didn't know how to respond, instead he peppered small kisses to his shoulder and jaw as he continued to softly rub his back.

   He began to gently rock him back and forth. Tears started welling in his own eyes, as he found it hard to watch the most stable man in his life be reduced to tears, but he blinked them back. It wasn't the time to get worked up when he was clearly needed. After a few moments of silence Kurapika pulled away from their embrace to cup Leorio's face, again wiping stray tears away with his thumb as he gave him a small sympathetic smile.

   "Leorio." He began, clearing his throat. "You are the most patient and caring man I have ever met. The very opposite of pathetic, and I couldn't be more proud to call you my lover." He let one hand slide to the back of Leorio's head, lightly scratching his scalp as he continued. "Your professor was right, you can't save everyone, but I think you did everything you could've done and that's all anyone can ask for."

   He leaned in and softly pecked Leorio's forehead, his hands falling from his face to grasp his shoulders. Leorio leaned into all of his affection, his arms moving from around his upper back to rest around his waist. He couldn't help but want to argue back but it was pointless, deep down Leorio knew Kurapika was right. He did do all he could but at the moment he was too angry and upset with himself to see it.

   Kurapika's reassurance and affection helped clear his head, and although still frustrated he felt immensely more at peace now than he did an hour prior.

   "You agree, Leorio? Right?"

   Leorio thought he had nodded off as he looked up at the blonde questioningly.

   "You understand that you're not at fault here?" He reiterated. Leorio nodded hesitantly as Kurapika pecked his forehead again. "Good. Would you like me to reheat your tea?"


   Kurapika stood from the couch and smiled warmly in his direction as he took his untouched tea from the coffee table. "Of course my love, would you also like me to draw you a bath?"

   "That sounds nice." His voice sounded hoarse and worn out as he gently tugged Kurapika down to his level by his wrist. Careful not to spill the drink, Kurapika obliged. Leorio delicately, and very shakily, pecked Kurapika's lips. As it was times like these that reminded him to cherish what he still had left.

   Kurapika scratched the top of his head endearingly, a small sad smile playing at his lips, as he left for the kitchen. Kurapika knew the day would come where he had to be the shoulder for Leorio to cry on, but despite the inevitable Kurapika still felt unprepared. He was happy though, he new it would take some time for Leorio to get back to his usual self but to see a sliver of the man he loved poking through in spite of his mood made him feel like he was better at this whole "comfort," thing than he gave himself credit for.

   Kurapika's heart hurt as he knew deep down that this would happen again, and again, and again. He didn't know how Leorio could cope with the constant heartbreak, but if Leorio could cope with it he supposed he could too. He had to. For Leorio.

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