Tea and Nicotine

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   Leorio stood on his apartment balcony, a lit cigarette held gently between his fingers as he looked down at the bustling city below. He sort of appreciated the noise, noticeable but not overbearing, as his baggy sleep sweats and hoodie did their best to protect him from the morning breeze. He still shuddered as the wind found its way around his hoodie and traveled up his back. It wasn't terrible, better than overheating in his opinion.

   He let the smoke escape through his nose, something that always fascinated Gon, before exhaling the rest through his mouth. He fought like hell not to smoke in front of Gon and Killua, but when push came to shove he really was only human. He had his faults. Neither of the two boys minded all that much anyways. Apparently Gon's grandmother would have a smoke with her morning coffee every now and then and Killua's father was one to indulge every other day.

   The taste of his cigarette smoke, rising sun, cold draft, and growing traffic just beneath his feet had Leorio feeling nostalgic as he leaned against the balcony's railing. He silently reminisced about his childhood, cold early mornings spent with his chain smoker of a caretaker out on the adoption center porch. As he was eating whatever hastily put together breakfast was set out that morning her wrinkles would become just the slightest bit more prominent as she scowled at the growing city noise, unlit cigarette dangling from her thin lips as she began to complain. Leorio as a child would only nod along, never really paying attention.

   Just as he wasn't really paying much attention when the balcony door slid open to reveal a disheveled, half awake, Kurapika. Two steaming mugs held in either hand. He was startled out of his thoughts when his mug of tea was gently set next to him on the railing. Kurapika quietly snickered at his reaction. Leorio sharply responded with a frown and an eye roll, taking a sip of his tea before flicking off the ashes of his cigarette and inhaling it again. He glanced over towards Kurapika from the corner of his eye and smirked.

   "You look like shit." He chuckled, setting his coffee down just to ruffle Kurapika's hair, somehow adding fuel to the fire of his bed head.

   He scoffed, slapping Leorio's hand away. "Rude." He mumbled, further muffled by the coffee mug at his lips.

   "Don't act offended, Pika. If you looked into a mirror you'd probably even agree." He blew smoke as he softly chuckled again.

   "If you're just gonna be a jerk I can always take your tea back."

   Leorio gasped in mock offense before taking it from the railing. "How dare you." He squinted down at the blonde before continuing. "Besides, now how are you gonna reach it?"

   Kurapika gasped in actual offense as he glared up at Leorio. "Rude!" His brows furrowed in frustration but no matter how hard he tried to stay mad at the man in front of him he couldn't help the small smile that played at his lips. He softly shook his head as he went back to watch the streets below. Leorio grinned down at him, softly biting his lip in the process, before following suit and letting his gaze fall back to the city scenery.

They stood in comfortable silence. Occasionally broken by the sip of a drink, or Leorio's loud exhale of smoke. Despite despising Leorio's addiction, Kurapika couldn't deny that the sound of his heavy breaths were oddly comforting. Almost like a noise machine. Although it couldn't make up for the fact that his habits were disgusting. Kurapika had his list of small complaints but he kept them quiet. Leorio owned the apartment while Kurapika wasn't even paying half rent. He was lucky that Leorio was kind enough to let him stay at his place. All in all he really didn't have much room to bitch, but a part of him couldn't help it.

   Somewhere during their time together on the balcony Kurapika began to shiver. The coffee clenched in his hands, not doing much to warm him now that the weather had seemed to cool it down to a measly room temperature. Leorio noticed and bit back a comment. Kurapika truly had zero insulation on him, not a single part of him could produce or hold heat to save his life. Instead, with an amused sigh, Leorio held his cigarette between his lips and unzipped his hoodie. Holding it wide open as he turned towards Kurapika.


   Kurapika raised a brow but complied, shuffling over to Leorio and leaning back against his chest as he zipped them both up. Only Kurapika's head poked out as his cold half finished coffee was left on the railing a few feet away. He appreciated the warmth, he reveled in the attention, but he couldn't help but grow uncomfortable as the smell of cigarette smoke grew stronger the more he stayed buried in Leorio's chest. He did his best to grin and bare it, for the sake of not wanting to put a wedge in their friendship or sound too preachy, but his agitation outweighed his concerns.

   "You reek." He said bluntly.

   "Oh?" Leorio exhaled. "Really? I just took a shower last night."

   "Not of BO, of smoke." He spoke quite distastefully, making the brunette just a little confused.

   "Oh? Why's it an issue all of a sudden? You knew I smoked."

   "Yes, but I was unaware of the extent."


   "You're a borderline chain smoker."

   Leorio scoffed. "I think that's a bit of an exaggeration."

   "It's ten-thirty am and you're on your fourth cigarette."

   Leorio seemed to be at a loss of words as his brows furrowed. "Why are you counting them?"

   "I'm concerned."


   "You could loose years of your life smoking the way you do, Leorio."

   "I still don't see why it matters so much. You have your Emperor Time, I have my nicotine." The words were out of his mouth before he could even consider biting his tongue and he immediately felt his blood run cold.

   He immediately knew he fucked up.

   "Shit, Kurapika I'm—"

   "No." Kurapika said harshly. He seemed to think for second before his body relaxed. His hands that were balled into fists at his side seconds ago unclenched with a heavy sigh. His small arms wrapped around him as he hugged himself and, to Leorio's surprise, he apologized. "No, you're right, I'm sorry. I'm being hypocritical aren't I?"

   Not one to sugar coat things Leorio responded rather bluntly. "Just a little." He felt Kurapika's shoulders heave against his chest as he seemed to scoff and snicker at the same time.

   Leorio wrapped his arms around Kurapika as well after squishing out his finished cigarette. Rubbing his upper arms comfortingly.

   "Hey." He spoke softly. "How about the next time we go shopping I grab those nicotine patches."

   "Leorio, you really shouldn't stop just because I overreacted—"

   "I never said I was kicking them for good. I'll use the nicotine patches to cut back."

   Kurapika nodded before looking straight up at him. "Would you possibly consider not smoking inside anymore too?"

   Leorio hummed. "I'll think about it."

   Kurapika seemed content as he leaned most of his weight back against Leorio's chest and softly smiled. The smell of smoke ever present in Kurapika's nose but with the comforting notion that it'd soon be gone, or at least not as strong. It was progress, not extraordinary progress, but progress, and with it Kurapika felt much more at ease.

A/n; is my Leorio preference noticeable yet? I just really like him. 🥺

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