Part 16

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It was now April and it seemed like everyone was mad at you for absolutely no reason. You had a feeling Draco had something to do with it. You had become good friends with Ginny, Fred, and George and they were really funny. Ginny did say though that they were rooting for the dragons at the first task and you had never laughed that hard in your life. Of course you didn't tell them that you were part dragon but it didn't even matter at that point. Fred and George though are always planning something, whether it was a prank or a deal with someone.

You were talking with Cedric while walking to the Great Hall one day just talking about random things like quidditch, how much you both hated potions and divination and how you both missed quidditch, stuff like that. Then he brought up the tournament. You hadn't given it really any thought lately because you had been getting a lot of homework lately and you didn't really want to talk about it now. So you changed the subject back to random stuff as soon as you could. You finally got to the Great Hall and sat at your house tables. "You've been talking with him a lot lately." Harry says as he basically glares at Cedric. "So? No one else seems to want to talk to me other than him." Ron is now looking at you with an eyebrow raised and says, "So you aren't talking to Fred, George, and Ginny?" You let out an annoyed sigh and look down at your empty plate. "Other than them." They all look away from you and you serve yourself some food and begin to eat.

A few minutes later the owls came. So people were reading the daily prophet. After a few moments a bunch of heads turned towards you or Cedric, and one or two to Draco. You knew that Skeeter finally got the second task in the daily prophet. "Hermoine can I see the Daily Prophet?" You ask hold out your hand and she passes it to you. "You won't like it." You look up at her. "I wouldn't be the first time she's spreading lies." You say looking back down to the prophet. It said you had left Draco for Cedric because he saved you. You and Cedric weren't even dating. You sigh and toss Hermoine her Daily Prophet back. Now everyone was going to think that you and Cedric were dating. You eat a few more bites then walk out of the Great Hall.

You were sitting in the courtyard, classes didn't start for another half hour so you had a decent amount of time to just sit alone. Then Cedric came and sat down next to you. "She is lying right?" He says pointing to the daily prophet. You nod and put your head down. "She wasn't even there how would she even know about it?" You sigh. "I don't know Ced." You hadn't called him that in years and you both you look at each than away immediately. "Do you want that to be true!?" He jumps up and points at the prophet. "NO" it almost sounded mean which you didn't mean for it to but it did. You get up and walk away, he was yelling for you to come back but you didn't. You just sat in a broom closet until you had to get to class.

Once you came out of the closet you went to potions, and like most of your other classes it was with the Slytherin's. Which meant Draco would be there. You sat down in the very back next to Hermoine. Snape was just going over a bunch of things so you're event paying attention and just looking around the room, and apparently Draco was to because when you looked his way you both made eye contact. You looked away after a few moments and decided to look like you were taking notes, which Hermoine had a ton of already. So you copied a few of hers, as you were writing them you realized you would probably need them.

Once class finished you packed up your things and headed to DADA, with the Slytherins. "Y/N" it was Draco. "What" he ran up beside you. "Are you really dating Diggory?" You shake your head and let out an annoyed sigh. "No, all of Skeeters work is a bunch of lies." You could see him look at you then away, but when he looked away he looked relieved. "I wouldn't say all of it is lies but yes a lot of it is." He says. After that you both just walked to DADA in an awkward silence.

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