Part 18

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Authors note: I just realized I never said how distant you were with everyone other than Cedric. But yeah that's all also thank you for reading my story it really means a lot.

It was a few days later and the next task was in two weeks. You were starting to learn incendio a fire-making charm, and reducto, a spell to slow things down. Incendio was pretty easy but you didn't have it down 100%, and reducto you hardly could do it. It only was slowing things down the smallest bit and for the shortest amount of time. You had learned a few more spells throughout the year preparing for any of the tasks.

Later that day you were talking to Cedric about the task. You both talked about new spells you were learning and stuff like that. He also kept saying how bad he was at mazes and just kept complaining and you would just chuckle at him. You also talked about where the cup would be, you figured it would be in the middle but the quidditch pitch was huge which meant the maze was huge so it could be anywhere and it would take who knows how long to get to it. Then out of no where Cedric asks, "Can you meet me in the courtyard tonight? Maybe around midnight." You were confused but you did want to go. "Yeah I will, but why?" You looked at him but he wasn't looking at you. "I don't know, just to dance before the last task?" You look away from him. "Ok, but I'm not going to wear anything special." He chuckles. "I wasn't going to either." You smiled and you both continued talking about random things again.

It was around 11 that night and you were just waiting a little longer until you would go. You were exited to see him, you didn't know why. You didn't like him or anything, at least you thought you didn't, but after what felt like hours of waiting if was 11:30 and you decided to start walking to the courtyard. Hogwarts was so big and the courtyard was so far from the Gryffindor common room that it would probably take a half an hour to get there. Once you got there you saw him leaning against a tree wearing a Hufflepuff sweatshirt and jeans and you couldn't tell what kind of shoes he was wearing because they were black and it was dark outside. You were wearing a plain black zip up with a white t-shirt underneath, leggings, and white converses. "We both went for the same type of 'casual' I see." He says once he sees you and starts walking towards you. You shake your head slowly and chuckle slightly, "Yup." You say as you breathe in. "Shall we?" He holds out his hand for you to take, and you take it. You immediately start to dance just to the sound of the wind blowing in the few trees that were in the courtyard. It was peacefully. No one was around, just you and Cedric.

You looked into each others eyes as you danced, and after a little bit you rested your head on his shoulder. After what felt like hours, it was time for the dip. So he then dipped you, and when you weren't expecting it he planted a kiss on your lips. You didn't know how long it lasted, it couldn't have been too long but it felt like forever and you didn't want it to end but it did. You stood back up and Cedric stepped away from you and scratched the back of his head looking down, "Sorry" He says. You step towards him and whisper in his ear, "You shouldn't be." You smirk and walk back to your dorm.

All you could think about as you went to sleep was that kiss. You realized that it was always him you wanted, no one else. Why did you think it was Draco? Maybe you used to like Draco but not now, now you knew that you only ever wanted Cedric.

This part is really short but I didn't know what else to write sooooo........

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