Part 10

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It was the next day and you still couldn't comprehend that your dad was alive. Sure he was giving information to death eaters, but he was alive. Honestly though, were you happy he was alive? Now you would now you could leave the Dursley's but Harry would never let you stay with your dad, and you would feel bad for leaving him alone with them. You were walking to breakfast thinking about all of this and you bump into someone while turning a corner, "Oh sorry y/n." It was Cedric "Its fine" you say as you pick up your things you had dropped. Once you both picked up all your things you walked to breakfast together. "So, have you found someone to go to the ball with?" "Oh, um yeah. I'm going with Cho now." He looks down at the ground. He almost seems, sad. "Why aren't you exited?" You ask even though you were almost completely sure you knew the real answer whether he said it or not. "Well I mean, she wasn't my first choice but at least I have someone to go with." You looked at him for a second feeling bad for him, "Yeah, Harry and Ron don't have anyone to go with yet." He chuckles a bit at that, "They'll be getting dates last minute" You both laughed at that then went your separate ways to get to class.

Draco was walking next to you as you walked to lunch, "You sure talk a lot with Diggory" you look up in front of you, "Why does that matter?" "Well I don't know-" you cut him off and say, "He's been my best friend my whole life so why can't I talk to him?" You look at him waiting for an answer. "And if you think I need protecting, I don't so stop." You walked ahead of him. The ball was in around a week, you were going with Draco, you hoped that what you said got to him in a good way.

You were sitting in your dorm looking at your egg to see if there were any clues on the egg. As you were looking and feeling the bottom of the egg, you felt an indent on it of something that felt like a word. You looked at it closer and could make out the word 'water'. So now you knew that the task had to do with water, but what exactly was the task? You went to go find Cedric to see if he had figured it out. You found him sitting in the courtyard, "Cedric!" You said that louder than you meant to and he jumped a little bit. "What?!" You sat down next to him. "Did you figure out the egg yet?" He shakes his head, "No not yet why?" You let out an annoyed sigh, "No but I was looking at it and found the word water. I don't know if that means the task is in the water or you need to put the egg in the water." You both look at each other, "What if it's-" you were interrupted by Draco, of course getting jealous of Cedric. Again. Draco opens his mouth and he has an angry look on his face but before he says anything you say, "Why do you have a problem with me being friends with Cedric?" You had stood up to say this and were looking into Draco's eyes. It was so hard to get mad at him while looking into his eyes, they had so many flexes of green and blue and you could look into them all day. You wanted to look away but you never, EVER, liked to show any kind of weakness. "I-" he couldn't finish he just ran away, you sat back down and looked down. "And your going to the ball with him?" Cedric asks you. "He just all of a sudden has a problem with you, but when he just talks to me he is a completely different person." You both sat in awkward silence. "I'm going to go, bye." You wave and walk back to your dorm.

Why was your life so hard? It was like you had to choose sides. Someone always hated another person in your life. Why couldn't they all just accept each other?

Well now you know a little more about yourself

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