Part 17

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The last task was drawing nearer and the scar on your wrist would keep on randomly hurting. Harry kept saying he would wake up to his scar hurting. Only Harry knew about your scar and anytime he talked about his scar he would look at me when he mentioned going to Dumbledore or telling Sirius about it. So you finally gave in and wrote Sirius a letter about everything, the tournament, your scar, everything.(Sirius is also your godfather idk if I mentioned that already) He wrote back within a day and told you to tell Dumbledore once it hurts again and he told you that you had done a very good job at tasks.

You were eating dinner later that day when McGonagall came up to you. "Ms. Potter I will need you to go to the quidditch pitch." You stood up. "Ok? But what for?" You started walking with her. "About the final task." "Oh" You both then parted ways. When you got to the quidditch pitch you could hardly recognize it. There were shrubs that looked like they were being grown to make a maze. You stood with all of the other champions and started to listen to Mr. Bagman. "You are all here to figure out what the next task is. This task will be the most difficult. There will be a winning cup somewhere in what soon will be a maze and the first person to touch it will win. There will be obstacle in the maze that will try and stop you. You will also all be let into the maze based off of what place your in right now. So Ms. Potter will be let in, then Diggory and so on. Understand?" Everyone nods. "Perfect!" He claps his hands together, "Well then I believe we can all go back to what we were doing."

You were walking back to the castle with Cedric talking about the task. "What do you think will be in the maze?" He asks. "I have no idea. Stuff that won't kill us?" You both laugh at that "Who knows though y/n. You do know why they stopped this right?" He looks at you while he says this. "Yeah, I do. I wish I didn't though." He looks away from you and sighs. You looked at him, he looked almost as though he knew something. He could've seen something that's going to happen in divination but he always said he was really bad at it. Once you got inside of the castle you went to your common rooms.

Harry, Ron and Hermoine were waiting for you in the common room when you got there. "Well?" Hermoine says almost nervously. "Bagman told us what the next task was." You sit down next to Harry. "What is it?" Ron asks, they were all looking at you and you were just looking into the fire. "We have to go through a maze and find a cup and the first person to touch it wins." Ron cranes his neck forward and almost looks confused. "I feel like that's too easy." Ron says and leans back against the couch. "He also said that there would be many obstacles trying to stop us, and that it would be the most difficult task." Hermoine looks concerned you notice and you say mainly to her, "What's wrong Hermoine?" She gets up and starts pacing. "There are so many things that could be in there y/n! They stopped the tournament because people died doing it! That's why none of us entered!" "Hermoine I think I can handle this. I should probably learn a few more hexes but I don't see what could be so dangerous. It's not like any of Aragogs children will be in there!" Harry looks at you. "They very much could be in there." You sigh and start to get up. "I'm going to my dorm." You walk up the stairs and walk into your dorm. You knew Harry was probably right. More than likely one of Aragogs children would be in there, and you didn't even want to imagine what else would be in there.

Sorry this part is short, but the next one or two parts will also be somewhat short.

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