Part 21

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You had on a Red and black long sleeve on, with the Gryffindor emblem on it, and Cedric had the same thing on but with yellow, black, and the Hufflepuff emblem. You would have to walk out there in five minutes, all of your nerves would go away, at least for the time being. You felt someone hug you from behind, so you looked up and saw Cedric. "I'm nervous." He said as he sighed. "So am I Ced, so am I." You practically whispered it the second time you said it and leaned against him. God you never wanted this to end. You could hear people start to file into the stands so Cedric stopped hugging you and just stood next to you. "It'll all be over soon." You muttered looking down at the ground. Cedric looked at you and looked back ahead of him. Then Mr. Bagman started to say something so you waited until you heard him call your name to go out there.

"And in first place we have Ms. Y/n Potter!" He said. So you walked out to hear a bunch of cheering. You stood by an entrance of the maze that had a sign with the Gryffindor emblem on it and waited. Soon Cedric came out, then Krum, then Delacour, and the last two. Somehow you still didn't know their names.

Your heart was racing and you hadn't even started sense Bagman was giving a speech or something. Of course, the only really reason why you didn't know was because you just didn't care. The only real rule type of thing was that the first person to touch the cup wins. Which sounds easy enough but this maze was huge. You started to listen in on what everyone was saying now sense you figured you would be told to start soon and right when you started to listen you heard, "Once this canon bliss the first time Ms. Potter will go in, then Mr. Diggory, and so on-" the canon had cut him off. Dumbledore glared at Filch who blew the canon then waved you to go in. The shrub walls seemed to be around 20 feet tall, which was like three times the height of you. You couldn't even hear the cheers of people in the crowd or Mr. Bagman talking, all you could hear was the wind.

It had been around 30 minutes so everyone would be in the maze by now. You hadn't encountered any obstacles yet which you found, odd sense you were told this would be the hardest task. Then all of sudden you heard a high pitched scream. It sounded like Delacour. You kept on walking to what you think was the middle of the maze where the cup was more than likely placed, and then a weird mist came around a corner and became a dead Cedric. So you said the only spell you knew to get rid of a boggart, "Ridiculous." You said, and you walked away not caring what it had turned into. You never thought you would have to see Cedric lying dead in front of you, and you never wanted to see it again. He was your only real friend who probably knew you better than yourself. But you continued walking.

You knew you were getting closer to the cup, you could just feel it. Then all of a sudden you heard another scream. It was Cedric, and it was coming from the row right next to you. "So you did the only thing you could think of doing, "Incendio" you burnt a hole through the bush wall. Krum was torturing Cedric, Cedric was being tortured, just like you and your parents had been (a/n: your parents were both tortured then killed by Bellatrix and then she tortured you so yeah). "Expelliarmus!" You practically yelled at Krum. His wand flew to you and you grabbed it. He glared at you and his eyes looked foggy, like someone was using the imperius curse on him. "Petrificus totalus" you pointed your wand at Krum and petrified him. You then sent red sparks in the air with his wand and went over to Cedric who was kid standing up. "Thank you," he was gasping for air, "I thought it would never end." You looked into his eyes, he looked like he wanted to cry, you didn't blame him you knew how painful it was. "I know Ced." He hugged you and you hugged him back but it was quick sense you remembered why you were doing this. You walked together until there was a fork in the paths. "I guess this is where we split up." You said. "I mean we don't have to." Cedric muttered obviously not wanting you to hear so you ignored him, then took a last glance at Cedric and took the left path.

After about ten more minutes, you and Cedric had found each other again, somehow. "I feel like we should just stay to get her now." Cedric laughed slightly. "Yeah" You both began to walk the direction you were headed before you infront and Cedric behind you. You turned a corner and then you saw it. The triwizard cup, it was maybe ten feet infront of you. Cedric bumped into you sense he hadn't realized you stopped and then he saw the cup. You walked forward and then you heard branches moving and Cedric yelling for help. "Y/N! Please!" He sounded desperate so you turned around to see Cedric practically being swallowed by the bushes. You ran to him and pointed your wand at the bushes vines surrounding him. "Reducto!" You said and the plants slowed down enough for him to get out. "Thank you, again, y/n" you glanced at him and back in-front of you, "Your welcome"

Both of you were now standing at the cup, but neither of you touched it. "Y/n please just touch if you saved me multiple times, you deserve it more than me." You sighed and looked at him in the eyes, he really had no idea how much he had helped you while you had been friends, did he. "No. Either your only going to touch it or we both are." You said. "Fine. 3, 2, 1" you both grabbed the cup, but you were flying through the air. Like a port key would have done.

This is the longest chapter I have ever writen. Also I will not be continuing this story after the triwizard tournament is over. I just don't have that many ideas for it anymore and I have a lot of ideas for a different Cedric fanfic.

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