Part 23

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All of the deatheaters formed a circle as if they had practiced this a million times. Voldemort started talking to each of the deatheaters that were there. Saying how or how they weren't loyal to him. You only listened when he said names you recognized. He talked about the Lestranges who went to Azkaban because of all the horrible things they'd done. Then Lucius Malfoy, the father of Draco Malfoy. Voldemort said why he wasn't loyal because he fled the scene at the Quidditch World Cup. You also noticed Crabbe and Goyle who he said weren't loyal for the same reason.

After a while Voldemort walked over to you. "Oh if only Bellatrix Lestrange was she would love to see your fear of her." He said. Cedric had disappeared. Probably behind the headstone. "We will duel" Voldemort said, and as he walked farther away from you he flicked his wand at the statue and it let you go. You forgot about the pain in your leg until it dropped you. You would just have to try and hide it. As you picks Xio your wand from the ground, moldy voldy (sorry I just had to put that in this story) was talking but you weren't listening. "We will bow" He said as he bowed, "now you will bow to me!" He finished in an aggressive tone. You would never give him what he wanted, he flicked his wand at you in attempt to force you to bow, you fought it. He made an odd growling noise and stopped trying. "You will die just like your parents did, helpless" he said, "CRUCIO!" He yelled. You fell to the ground and screamed in pain, you had to feel it again. He did not stop for 2 minutes which felt like 2 hours. No matter how many times you get tortured it will always hurt, you only will know what to expect.

You stood up, and held your wand out trying to hide the fact you were still in pain. "You don't have your little ring anymore to save you do you?" He obviously wasn't looking at your hands and didn't notice that Cedric had given it back to you. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" He yelled and you knew you wouldn't have to yell a spell but if he still thought you didn't have your ring it would be better in the future. So you just yelled, "INCENDIO!" You figured it might burn the curse instead of your ring blocking it. Both might happen though.

The two spells hit each other in the middle of where the two duelers stood. One fire, and the other looked like a green stream of light. Your wand started shaking uncontrollably, so you held onto it with two hands.

You would not give up, you've already done so much and to give up now would be a waste. You would show Voldemort your power, your flames were getting closer and closer to the tip of his wand. You were using all of your will power to get the flames to the tip of his wand.

'Almost there, come on y/n keep going' a voice in your head said. It somehow helped, even though it wasn't a real person, at least you didn't think it was. The flames then hit the tip of his wand and made and explosion. Cedric came out and you grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the cup, dodging spells that were being directed your way. Everyone was yelling but you didn't care to listen. You and Cedric got to the cup and you had never held anyone's hand tighter before, and you had never grabbed anything faster.

Just like that you were flying through the air again, and landed back at Hogwarts. You couldn't stand on your leg any longer, which made you collapse into Cedric's arms. Everyone was cheering, but you were on the verge of tears, and Cedric was practically shaking. Not because he couldn't hold you, but because of fear. Dumbledore noticed and ran onto the field where you stood. He looked down at your leg which was numb from pain, and said, "We need to get you to the hospital wing." Madam Pomfrey then came over and said some things to Cedric who then picked you up bridal style and followed her.

Once you got to the hospital wing he placed you down on one of the beds, and sat down in a chair that was placed next to the bed. Madam Pomfrey walked into the curtain enclosed area and handed you a potion. "Drink it, it will help your leg heal" and she left after you had drank it. It tasted awful and made you gag. "That bad?" Cedric asked, you nodded in response and laid back down. "No one's going to believe us" you said without any expression in your voice. "What are they not going to believe?" Cedric asked. "That Voldemort's back, even if they gave us veritaserum they wouldn't believe us" you said in return, he flinched at the name. You had never been afraid to say Voldemort's name, it didn't hold any power. All it showed was fear when you didn't say it. "Y/n I think you killed him" you propped yourself up on your arm that didn't have a huge gash on it and looked at him with a confused expression.

"How?" You asked.

"When the flames hit the tip of his wand. It made an enormous explosion and I think he was in it"

You flopped back down and winced in pain. He was right, that explosion was big. If someone was in it there would be no possible way to live. That might've been why some of the deatheaters weren't screaming in your direction. You had killed Voldemort, at least for the time being.

Well this was the end of this story and I hoped you enjoyed:)

Ok so this is me now and the reads or whatever went up by like 30! Thank you for reading this! I do have another story if you want to check it out.

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