23 ~ Mad At Myself

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title credit: issues


"Hey guys what's going on my name is MaddiePlaysThings and I am SO sorry I missed the last few uploads on my schedule, many of you are aware I'm on Warped Tour with my band, so I can't make a lot of time for videos. I finally ran out of videos to post so I'll just be posting vlogs as I go around to shows and signings. Thank you everyone for coming out to the shows!"


Day 30 of warped


It was a strange feeling when that girl said we helped her so much. She cried and hugged me and Leo and the others and handed Jordan an envelope, saying something to him that made him tear up. He put the box in his pocket until the meet and greet was over

“What’s in it?” We all gathered around him.

He pulled out a letter and a razor. “I think we saved someone.”


I layed my head on Brandons’ shoulder, relaxing and watching the movie. Days like these, where I slept in his bus, were some of the best. It’s so calm when everyone clears out.

That calm was soon disturbed as the bus door swung open. A man stepped onto the bus with a clipboard. “Crown The Empire?”

“Uh, yeah.” Brandon said awkwardly.

“Are you in the band?”


“You’re playing the Kia Soul stage at five thirty.” Then he turned to me. “You’re in a band, right?”

“Burn The King.” I nodded.

“You’re playing main stage at six." He hurried off the bus before I could say anything, muttering about how outrageous it was they changed the set times for fifteen bands with no warning.

“I- what?” I looked back at Brandon.

He grinned at me. “You’re playing main stage I guess.”

I jumped up and cheered. “FUCK YEAH I AM!”


My lungs gave out as I faced the crowd.

It was massive, more massive than anything we’ve played. I shook with the nervousness and excitement, the guys passing me. I took my usual spot on the stage (the left-hand side) and I couldn’t stop smiling.

Jordan started off right away.

“I found my vice!

I found my vice!

it lives in a bottle,

and wants me to die!"


"Thank you everyone for coming out to see us!" Ronnie said into my mic, putting her arm around me, drenched in sweat.

"Raddie! Raddie! Raddie!" girls in the front chanted.

"Do we have a ship?" I laughed.

She kissed my cheek and the girls screamed as she walked away.

"I want fan fiction about that shit!" I took a moment for water. "Hey I have an idea. How about we get some of you fuckers up here with us?"

"Can we?" Leo laughed, looking for some permission. Someone gave us a thumbs up so we got six people on stage with us.

"This is our last song It's called casablanca sucked anyways!"


"Hey rockstars!" Tyler from issues caught us as we got off. "Great job out there."

"Thanks." I smirked.

"Do you wanna come do Mad at Myself with us? It's three songs in."

"Love to. I'm a little sweaty though."

"That's fine, just tell the stage manager. I'll wave when you come in. " He said before jogging out.


Alex's POV:


Breath, Alex. Just tell her.

“Jordan?” My voice shook slightly.

He turned and raised his eyebrows at me. “Alex?”

“Is Maddie around? I need to talk to her.”

He seemed uneasy. “She uh, she’s still, she’s watching issues I guess.”

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat and thanking him. I think I ran to the stage, I wasn't much aware of anything. I still don’t know what I’m going to say to her. I can’t come up with the right combination of words. Nothing I say will mean enough, will make her understand.

I never should have let you in

I needed a hit of something

High for this feeling they call love...

No no no, don’t go out yet, this can’t wait. “Maddie!” I called her name. She stopped midstep and turned as I reached her.


"I need to tell you something." I panted.

"What, no, can it wait?" She went to step away, I grabbed her arm.

I searched her eyes, for anything. Any emotion. Anything like what I used to see when I looked at her. But there was nothing.


She pulled away and joined tyler, singing the chorus.

"I love you." I choked out.


"We called it love, you called it off.
And I never been so mad at myself."


I wish I knew she cried about seeing me when she got back to the bus.


A/N: lmao hi
I decided to not use my lyrics (I used them in one of the previous chapters) so the lyrics are Beartooth and the song title is from A Day To Remember.
and hey
are you ready for a plot twist?


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