15 ~ City Of Ocala

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Title Credit: A Day To Remember


Maddie’s POV:

“ALEX!” I shook him awake. “There’s a flight in half an hour I can get on!”

He groaned and pulled the pillow over his head. I shook my head and started throwing my things into my bag, texting Jess like mad. When she doesn't answer I grab my key, running down the hall quickly. When I open the door I see her and Jack making out in bed and I groan.


I run back to the room and Alex is pulling some clothes on. "Babe slow down." He tells me as I run back and fourth.

"No!" I grab my bathroom things. "I can't slow down! I need to be there for John!"

"There's no need to freak your shit!"

"There is!"

"Babe, please!" He grabs my hands, laughing a bit at my panic. "Everything is fine. I thought you wanted nothing to do with your family? They rejected you."

I pulled away. "And I'm being let back in. All I ever wanted from my family is for them to want me around. I'm being invited back, apologized to! This is my chance to get back the time I lost. And I always loved them. I miss the times we liked each other like when my brother taught me guitar and my dad caught me from falling out a tree. I'm desperate to get back there, Lex."

I turned and left, Jess was leaving her room, still pulling her shoes on. She jogged down the hall to hug me and help me by taking my guitar case while I took my bag. Jack stumbled out into the hallway, l pulling his shirt on, and Alex followed us.

Traffic. I forgot about traffic. I had fifteen minutes to be in the flight. And there's traffic.

Ten minutes till, we get to the airport. I buy my ticket and thank god the airport is mostly empty at this time. 5 minutes till it leaves we start going through security. I tell Jess to stay with my guitar because I forgot to put it through the place you're supposed to.

I race to reach the terminal. I get there to see the doors close.

"No..." I whisper, breathless.

I sit in one of the chairs when Alex comes jogging to the gate. He slows down and takes in what's happened, sitting next to me.

"I'm sorry Maddie."

"Its okay." I sit back and look at him. "You know, it's okay. I've just... been freaked out."

He puts his hand on my leg and nods. "I know."

"I-I could have been like my sister Anne. She had kids so young. M-my entire family is trailer park trash, and I was close to being it too."

He pulled me into a hug. "The friend you're mom mentioned. Is he Jeremy Mckinnon?"

I looked up at him. "Yeah. He was one of my only friends."

"Would you like to talk to him?"

I was slightly surprised at the offer. I should have thought of it before, but I stopped following Jeremy's band a few years ago. When he left Ocala we basically stopped talking.

I nodded. Alex took out his phone.


"Hey man what's up?"


"Oh uh, yeah, who's this?"


"Maddie... Cameron? From highschool?"


"Holy shit! Maddie! How've you been?"

"Good! Good..."

"Neil! Maddie's calling me! Yeah, Maddie Cameron."

"N-Neil's there?"

"We're all on the bus right now. It's been so long!"

I smiled. "It has."

"Why are you calling from Alex Gaskarth's phone?"

"Uh, we're dating."

"Oh shit. I always said I'd beat the shit out of anyone you dated but, he has Zack on his side..."

I giggled. "You don't have to."

"Did you just call to catch up?"

"I wanted to, yeah. And I needed to be cheered up, you're good at that."

"What happened?"

"Just... stuff back home. I moved away awhile ago but... do you ever go back?"

"To Ocala... yeah, to see family. But you know, it has a lot of bad memories around it. Every time I go back I run into someone I hated when we were teenagers and it goes to my head. But then I realize that I'm doing better than they ever will. The town got better, but I chose band life over it. I don't let the bad stuff hold me down. You shouldn't either."



Happy 11th birthday Alex

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