26 ~ This Gets Me By

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Title Credit: Product Of A Murderer - Of Mice & Men


"Hello, thank you for coming in." He said. "I'm Daniel, but you know that. I'd like to offer my managerial services to your band."

"Ah, we have a manager." I said.

"Yes but, you guys are already on your way to the top of the music world. You need top level stuff, top level people. Experience. I've taken bands to the top. Isn't that where you wanna go?"

"Well yes but-" Jordan started.

"Imagine; headlining an arena show in just a year. Think It can happen?"

"Of course not." I almost laughed.

"Of course it is. A band of your genre might make it tough but I know how to make it work. I can do that for you."

"You... can?"

"I'll have a contract drafted up and sent to you."


I sobbed my eyes out, tugging at my hair. The pain was fucking unbearable. "I'm supposed to be happy!" I yelled, pushing everything off the coffee table, mostly empty bottles.

"I'm supposed to be happy and famous and loved! Fuck..."

I sat back and wiped my tears. I broke down like that once in awhile. Alcohol wasn't helping much anymore.  It took me awhile to calm down before my phone lit up.

Dylan: Hey rockstar, you wanna celebrate before you leave tomorrow? Last party we'll have for awhile.
Maddie: yes please
Dylan: Be ready in an hour.
Maddie: And Dylan?
Dylan: yeah?
Maddie: The stuff I found in your sock drawer, from Andrew, do you have any more?


@MaddieBTK: So ready for this tour!


Alex's POV,
A few weeks later


My room was a good place to not leave for days.
"I've been gone, from this world for what seems like millennia." I watch BTK perform their new single. I considered seeing them play but decided against it. I haven't found the energy to move much lately anyways.

I move on to an interview. But she seems different.

It takes me a moment, but I see it. She's energetic, but not in the way I know her. She can't stop moving and speaks quickly. She's also rude when she's asked a question she doesn't like. That's not the Maddie I know.

I've seen people change to certain habits. I just hope it isn't what I think it is.


a/n: cocaine is fun
this was short lmao
i'm just checking in rlly
lyrics credit to Crown The Empire cause babes
I forgot to show you Maddie's hair so that's the media

no goal cause I'm dumb

Lead Me Out Of The Dark (sequel to Phone Calls)Where stories live. Discover now