Sorry Lupin.

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Y/N: your name

I bid my good byes to Remus as Harry walked me to the Gryffindor common room. "Y/n?" Harry locked arms with me. "Yeah Harry?" He looked nervous for some reason. "Nothing forget about it" He looked down, embarrassed of what he was going to say. " Why, what's wrong?" I was confused, why didn't he want to tell me? 

"Nothing" He cut short as we walked silently to the Gryffindor Tower. We said our password and the portrait let us in. "Also, want to meet up near the lake later today" He brought his arm back to his sides "We are going to ask Hagrid about his hearing, you can bring your shadows with you". I curl a smile on my lips. "Sure we will meet you there" He gives me a hug and sits next to Hermione.

I walk up to the Girls dorm but as soon as I try to close the door a ginger tries to reach up to me. The stairs turned in to a slide making the boy slide down to the common room. Boys where not allowed in the girls dorm. "Bloody hell Fred. Are you ok?" I ran down the stairs and saw Fred trying to get up. He is much of a twat he ran into the couch when he fell. I sat down next to him making sure he was ok.

"Is cute when you try to make sure I'm okay" He winked and flashed a smirk at me. "Get over yourself" I hold his face making sure he didn't hurt it. When I caress under his eyes he flinches a bit. I look at him in awe as I help him up and bring him up to his dorm. Luckily Fred has a room that he only shares with George and Lee. The two boys weren't there so we were alone. "Wait for me here" I said to the red head. He nodded as he sat on his bed.

I went to get a muggle remedy in the girls dorm. I get the little white box under my bed and take it with me. I go inside the boys dorm and see Fred fidgeting with his hands waiting for me. "Okay let's see" I let out a breath as I sit next to boy. "What is that?" He takes the box and starts playing with it. "Careful now, Fred" I take the box away from him before he breaks something "This is called an 'emergency kit' something muggles use when they are hurt". 


"An emergency kit?" I asked. How did she knew about this Muggle stuff. "Yeah" She took out a type of cream out of the white box. "Please tell me you aren't going to out that clear stuff on my face" I said with a disgusted look. "Do you want an ugly bruise on your face you big bimbo?" I didn't say a thing "That's what I thought". Okay that was kind of hot.

No, no. No! Bad Fred, bad! She started to hold my face gently as she applied the cream on my upper cheek bone. She was so gentle and careful with me. She was perfect. My god Fred shut up! Wait why am I screaming at myself? 

"There you go, good as new" She started to put the things she used back on the box and got up. I grabbed her wrist, and she sat back down. "Yes?" She asked. I knew where to go with this. I made a pouty face as looked down. I loved being dramatic. "Fred stop being dramatic, what do you want?" I looked back up and the girl who gave me a warm smile. Her smile has always been pretty and it was one of my duties to make her smile 25x8. 

"It still hurts" I pouted even more. "Well you just have to wait" She smiled again "Is already dry so you can lay down on your side, on the bed". "Can you kiss it?" I asked. "Pardon?" she looked taken back. "My cheek" I made puppy eyes, they always work. "Are you being serious?" She looked surprised like if it wasn't happening. "Yeah" I gave her puppy eyes again. 

"Don't do that" She looked away quickly. "What?" I got up and stood in front of where she was facing. "You know what" She looked away again. I grabbed her face gently and moved it so she could be facing me again. I gave her puppy eyes again "This?". She smiled slowly "Yes, Fred, that" she kissed the small forming bruise on my cheek "Better?". 

"Would've been better if it was here" I tapped my lips slowly. "Fred!" she slapped my arm playfully. I wasn't lying thought. I wanted to actually kiss her. I did lie once by telling y/n Angelina was at the end of the hall just to give her a peck in front of Adrian Pucey. I hated the guy, I wanted to show him that she was "mine". 

"Come on, just a little one" I gave her the you-know-you-want-to look. She chuckled and grabbed my face gently. I lifted her head by her chin up so I could reach her lips. We were inches away from each other and as about I was going to kiss her she moved her head to the left "Swerving!" (See what I did there lmao) She swerved the kiss. she let go of my face and ran down to the common room, laughing. Go Fred, chase her!

I ran after the girl in the halls and it felt like that other night. "You won't get me!" She screamed as she turned around and now she was running backwards. How in the bloody hell is she doing that. She flipped me off as she ran forwards again. "Hey!" I ran faster now. She suddenly stopped and I stopped as well. "You got to stop running after me, Weasley" She smirked at me. I smiled knowing what she meant. 


 Y/n and I were 7 at the time and George, Ron, Ginny and I  had to stay with Lupin for the week. Mum and Dad had to take the 3 oldest, Bill, Charlie and Percy, somewhere in Romania. Charlie wanted to see some Dragons or something. Lupin was exhausted after taking care of  5 kids. Now he knows how Mom feels. It was our last day at Lupins cottage so me, Y/n, George and 5 year old Ron decided to play tag when Little Ginny was taking her nap. 

We played a few rounds and then my time to shine came. I had to tag someone. I wasn't looking forward to tagging George or Ron. Y/n was the one going I wanted to tag. She clearly saw how I was ignoring George and Ron and running after her instead. When I was close to tagging her she suddenly stopped  which made me stop. She stood there, her back facing me. I took this as an advantage to stretch my arm and finally tag her. 

"You got to stop running after me, Weasley!" She turned around with her fist clutched, "George and Ron were right next to you, why didn't you tag them!"  We were really childish and she was right. Her temper has never changed, I'm glad it hasn't. "Sorry, Lupin" I whispered. We went by our last names for a while when Lupin told us in Hogwarts we would go by our Last name sometimes. And for that bloody reason we "wanted to get used to it" but we started calling each other by our name the day Me, my brothers and sister left. 

"Is fine, Freddie, now" she grabbed my arm and made my hand  rest on her shoulder "I'm it!" She yelled. I smiled as I ran across the house.


"Sorry Lupin" I said looking down. She came closer and lifted my head up to meet her eyes. "Is fine, Freddie" She pulled my face towards hers making our lips meet. And just like last time we kissed on the same hallway. With out a care, in the world


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