Ronald Weasley

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Y/N: your name
i felt so unmotivated with this story i was thinking of cutting it out but that was a dumb thought. i felt weird writing but its back. Fred missed y'all. 

I groan in distress and rub my face. "We just have to keep walking, I think Harry and Hermione are here" He turns around and looks at us "I can feel it". Me and the twins look at each other with an eyebrow raced. We stay quet and just follow Ron. 


"How far are we?" Fred whines, not handeling his aching feet. "I don't know" Ron says impatiently. I take Fred's hand and close my eyes as I keep walking. George was barely walking. His eyes were closed and his head hanging back. He groans loudly. "Can you both shut up?" Ron says angrily. "No, because we have been going in circles FOR HOURS" George says. 

Ron sights and places his stuff down. "We'll rest here until tomorrow, then" George's head snaps up, I open my eyes and Fred smiles. "THANK YOU RON" We say in unison and throw ourself in the ground finally resting. We sight in relief and Fred wraps his arm around me, George sights dramatically. "I'm cold too" He says with a fake pout. 

I open my arms and George happily wraps himself in them. "Hey!" Fred says in a jealous tone. "I'm cold, okay?" George says. As they argue I fall asleep quietly. Ron was gone for a few minutes. 


"Take me!" I said as two men hold me down. "For the love of god don't touch him!" I yelled. Two ghostly looking men pulled Fred up the small stairs. "Don't you dare fucking touch him!" I tried to use my powers but the two men just threw me back in the cell and lock it filling up with laughter. 

I grew impatient and walked back in forth. Fred was all i could think about. I heard yelling and hissing from up stairs .I run to the bars in the door and grip it firly. So firmly like if i was ready to snap them off. "Fred!" I yelled with tears running down my eyes. 

I heard a drowned yell and nothing else. It was silent. "Fred? Fred!" I shook the bars violently but i got no answer. I covered my mouth in shock and my knees went weak making me fall to the ground. I silently cried as I cover my mouth and prevent myself from sobbing loudly. 

The door opens again and...


"Y/n! Wake up!" The twins wake me up and I push them off me. "I was having a moment, you morons!" I rub my face and groan. I realize what was happening and I turn to Fred. "Oh sorry, You okay?" I ask with worried eyes. "Uh yeah" He rubs the back of his head. "Y/N!" Harry runs up to me and wraps his arms around me. "Harry?!" I hug him back. 

"Oh thank Merlin, you're okay" He softly smiles at me. "What happened before? Why wouldn't she be okay?" Fred got up and towered Harry. Harry looks up and smiles innocently. "Harry....?" Fred says out of patience. 

"weleftheralonewithagiantsnakebecauseshetoldustoescapesowedid" Harry says quickly and hides behind me. "Come again?" Fred asks. I sight "Just forget about it", I turn back to Harry, "How's 'Mione?". I eye him down and notice he is soaking wet and so was Ron. "Wait what happened to you?". Harry explains how they finally found the sword of Gryffindor and how Ron distroyed the Horcrux.  

I give Ron and Harry a huge hug and after a while Harry walks us back to Hermione. We finally get there and Harry calls out for Her. "Hermione?" He says quietly. We slowly see the curtains of the tent open. There she was. "Is everything alright?" She asks. 

"It's fine. Actually, you know, It's more than fine" Harry points at us as Hermione walks up the small mountain of snow.  She smiles at me and the twins. Her eyes drop to Ron and she doesn't hesitate to walk over to him. He smiles but then it fades when she grabbed his bag and throws it. "You complete ass, Ronald Weasley" She throws snow at him. 

He looked rather more offended. She continues to hit him with his bag "You show up here after weeks!" she hits him again "and all you say is "Hey"?!". 

Ron is just standing there, in shock of that pretty "warm welcome". "Where's my wand? Harry, where is my wand?" She runs towards him. "I-I don't know" he takes a few steps back. "Harry Potter, you give me my wand!" She gets close to him. "I-I don't have it!" He says nervously. 

"How come he's got your wand?" George asks. "Nevermind why he's got my wand" She snapped. "What is that?" She walked towards Ron. Me and fred just stood there admiring the show. 

Ron pulls up the destoyed Horcux. "Ypu destroyed it?" She asks. "Well no shit, Sherlock" Me and Fred say in unison. She glares at us. Ron doesn't respond, he just gives her a small but warm smile. "And how is it that you just happen to have the sword of Gryffindor?" She snapped at Ron once more. "It's a long story" Harry says. 

"Don't think this changes anything" She shakes her head and walks off. "Oh, of course not" Ron lifts up the Horcrux again "I only just destroyed a bloody Horcrux. Why would that change anything?" Ron says. Hermione turns back to him. "Look, I wanted to come back as soon as I left" Rons says with a regretful tone and sights "I just didn't know how to find you, you can ask Fred or George even Y/n". 

"Wait, how did  you find us? " Harry asks. "With this" Ron shows the small illuminator and explains how he had heard Hemrione talking to him and then it had sent all of us here. "When we got here, these three idiots were tired so I decided to stop but I hoped one of you would show themselves, and well you did" He smiles. 

He sights and looks at Hermione hopelessly. She doesn't say anything and walks back to me and the twins helping us set up our tents again. She smiles and gives me a hug. "Me and Harry missed you" I smile "I missed you two as well" She nods and walks off. "Well" Fred wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck softly "I missed you too", He whispers in my ear. 

I chuckle and shake my head, "Is too cold for that and..." I whisper in his ear "...George is right there". He whispers again "It will be fun though" He kisses my neck again. "Oh Fred, How i missed you" I turn around and hug him. "I mised you so much more, darling" He said softly. That night, well more like morning, everyone took a long nap so we could get ready to go to the Lovegoods.

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