Oh my god

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Y/N; your name
Okay this chapter was long. Is still not finished! This chapter has been my longest ones, making it 1382 words which is insane. I hope you guys like this one. Grab some snacks for this one loves! Goodnight!!!

We all hid under a huge pile of pumpkins, eavesdropping onto the conversation. "Very well, It is the decision of the Committee of the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures that the Hippogriff Buckbeak hereinafter called "The condemned" shall be executed this day at sundown." The minister spoke.

"Dear, Dear" Hagrid looked down disappointment "Now, Now Hagrid" Dumbledore comforted the heart broken man. We peeked through the small holes in the pumpkins. "Alright. Alright. It'll be alright", "The execution shall dispatch..." I hear a loud crack behind us, making me and Hermione turning around. "What?" Harry asked as they all turn around now.

"I though I just saw....never mind" She kept looking at the trees deeply. "Let's go" Ron insisted making us all run back to where Hermione punched the fuck out of Draco. We could hear Hagrid in the back say "Buckbeak meant no harm". We reached the top looking down at the small hut covered in pumpkins.

Me and Hermione were at the verge pf tears while the boys just watched, still hurt. And with nothing the crows started to fly off and Buckbeak was gone. Hermione wrapped her arms around Ron's neck and Harry hugged her from the behind. Fred and George pulled me into their arms and Lee did the same as Harry.

We cried silently for a few seconds but then we hear Ron "Ow", Scabbers falls from Ron's hands. I separate from the twins and Lee and go over to the third years. "He bit me, Scabbers!" He started to chase after the small rat. "Ron. Ron!" We all run after the boy and call for him while he runs after his dumb rat.

"Wait! No Ron!" I scream for him as we all stop in front of the whomping willow. Ron had threw himself towards his rat and cough it "You bit me!". "Do you guys realize-" George spoke and Fred finished him off "What tree this is?" We all look at the huge tree. Ron of course didn't know where he was sitting.

"That's not good, Ron, run!" Harry yelled. Lee laughed "Ron run, it sounds the same" I punched him in the arm "Lee!". He answers "What?!". Ron looked up and pointed behind us "Guys! Run!". We turned around and saw a huge black dog "It's the grim!". I got this familiar feeling about the dog. Like if I had seen it before. He started to run towards us.

We couldn't move an inch, we were in full fear. The dog jumped over me and Harry making its way over to Ron. It took Ron by his legs and dragged him to the tree. "Harry!" Ron yelled for his life trying to reach over to his older brothers. "Ron!!" Me and the twins yelled in unison running over to the boy. "Ron! wait" Harry and Hermione yelled. Lee ran after us trying to reach for Ron.

"Harry, Fred, George!' He yelled as the dog pulled him in the hole. "Ron!" We yelled in unison. "Fuck!" George screamed. Which was a bad idea. The whomping willow whacked us out of the way. Lee grabbed onto Harry and Hermione while I grabbed onto the twins. The tree started to twirl and shriek as we heard Ron scream one last time. "Come on"

The tree started to whack us away from its entrance a couple of times. Suddenly, the tree grabs me, Hermione and Lee up but its branches. "Shit! Shit shit shit!" I screamed at the top of my longs while Lee and Hermione screamed Bloody Murder. I grabbed Fred, Lee grabbed George and Hermione grabbed Harry.

We all pushed them into the Tree and then we got in. "I bumped into Fred, pushing him and me now being hugged by him, "You okay love?". He cupped my cheeks making sure there wasn't a scratch. "I'm fine, you?" He nodded softly. "Where do you think this goes mate?" George asked Harry.

"I have a hunch" Harry replied and dusted himself off "I just hope I'm wrong". We began to walk forward and what it seem like we were in a building. "We're in the shrieking shack, aren't we?". I nodded a yes and said "Yeah, Remus told me all about it" We started to go up the long set of stairs that reached to the top. We could hear screaming out of different directions.

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