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Y/N: your name
I apologize if the last few chapters have been shit, I have been so unmotivied. I feel the Order of the Pheonix doesn't have that many details to add since this movie is just about Harry and how he is feeling yk. I made a huge scenario in my head yesterday and it has given me motiovation to add it so wait for the end of the chapter and tell me what you think of it! sorry for the long a/n enjoy!


"No! No!" I yell. I was in a room with a great arch on the middle. "Dad!" I yelled as I dueled my mother. "Y/n! I heard him scream back.

"Stupefy!" I yelled making him ruffle my hair as a man fell back. I swayed around happily as I skipped all the spells. "Expelliarmus!" I disarmed Bellatrix as she paired with my mother and shot spells and I skipped easily. I grabbed a man in mid air and threw him to a wall.

"Oh shit!" I hear Fred say. "Go Y/n Go!" Said George loudly as he disarmed a woman.

"Reducto!" I yelled. Remus came behind me and threw spells at him. "Get away from my goddaugther!" Remus threw spells at my mom (I had to add it) who she yelled back "How dare you talk to me! You filthy werewolf!" She yelled making me angy. "Incarcerous!" I yelled making ropes tie around my mother.

Bellatrix apparated with my mom somewhere and Bellatrix appears on a rock, screaming something.


My eyes flutter open as I get up. I see Fred snoring softly. I get up and see George and Lee snoring together in eachother arms.

I grab a small pice of parchment and a quill. I started writting to my father. I cried while writting the card. I had to make surehe was okay.


I had a strange dream, Are you okay? I need to see you as soon as you can.

I really miss you dad, I have a lot to tell you about this weird dreams.

I'm done in hididng it and I'm asking Professor Dumbledore about it. Please write back.

I love you,
Y/n xx

I pocketed the letter and went back to sleep.


The morning went by slow and it was time for our last and Free period. I had sent the letter earlier making me anxious. Me and the boys went to the library and try to figure things out about these strange dreams. "So you were throwing spell are your mother in an un-known place?" Lee asked placing his hand on his hands.

"Yeah something like that" I said with my eye pierced on the book. "That's intresting" Fred says. "What?" George asks looking over at his book that was upside down. "I never knew this, look it says the patronus charm can change if you fall deeply in love with someone and it morphes into theirs" He said reading in the lines. "Who said reading upside down was stupid?" Lee snickered.

"Well mines is a a german shepered like Sirius" I said shrugging. "It also says it is passed on if the person who they came from some one who truly loves them" He smiles. "What could mines be?" Fred asked. "I bet we have the same one" George high-fived his twin.

"I hope mines is a dragon" Lee said. "Mines cooler" I shake my head as we all laugh. "We have to meet up with Dumbledore there's nothing here" Fred groaned in distress "We have been here I feel like my brain will melt".

"Fine" I said getting up "You two coming?". George placed his hand on Lee's thigh and smirked "Nah, we are good". I rolled my eyes and bid our good byes. "Do you think like you have a pretty bad ass power or something" He said messing around the halls but always stayed by my side.

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