the carved heart

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Y/N: your name
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I wake up to the sound of men talking. "I've searched the astronomy tower and the Owlery. There's nothing there, sir"  A man says. "Thank you" The other one follows. I can see their shadows and what it seems those men were Dumbledore, Snape, Flitwick and Filch. "The third floor's cleared sir" another man said. "Very good" Dumbledore continued. 

"I've done the dungeons" A recognizable voice joined in. You could tell from miles away it was Snape.

"No sign of Black, nor anyone in the castle" The boring man continued. "I didn't really expect for him to linger" Dumbledore said now walking forward now only Snape trailing behind him him. "Remarkable  feat don't you think?" Snape asked the wise man.  

"To enter Hogwarts castle on one's own, completely undetected?".  "Quite remarkable yes" The man trailed off. "Any theories on how he managed it?" Snape asked. I could feel they were getting closer to Harry and I. Harry's sleeping bag was in front of mines making his the ones that where on the edge in between this side and the other.

"Many, Each is as unlikely as the next" Dumbledore tugged on his robes a bit up making space for him to walk and not step on them. "You may recall...prior to the start of term I expressed concerns...about your appointment of Professor..." Snape was cut off by Dumbledore who quickly responded. 

"Not a single professor inside this castle would help Sirius Black enter it".  "I'm quite convinced the castle is safe" Snape said in defeat. "And I'm more than willing to send the students to their houses" Dumbledore and Snape were technically standing over me and Harry. I'm positive he was awake listening as well.

 "What about Lupin and Potter?  should they be warned?" I tensed up as he mentioned my name too. "Perhaps. But for now, let them sleep.." He said carefully "For in dreams. we enter a world that is entirely our own, Let them swim in the deepest ocean or glide over the highest cloud".

With those words they both left our sides. "Psst" I heard something behind me. I ignore it and I start to fidget with the sleeves of my baggy shirt. "Pssssst" I turn around to see non other than Fred Weasley trying to get my attention. "What" I whisper-yell at him. "I have the map on me right now, wanna sneak out?" His eyes sparkle at the sound of his plan. "Sure we just got to wait a bit" He slowly nods.
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A few good 20 minutes pass by and I sit up like if I was going to stretch to check if there were any professors around us. Luckily Filch went to use the bathroom like it said in the map. Fred stoop up slowly and waved his hand as a sign for me to get up as well. We leave the Great carefully. We run to one of the empty hallways.

 "Why do we need the map if me and you already know this like the back of our hands" I said holding to one of his arms. "I know but remember, the map tells us where everyone is" he opens the map slowly. We get into one of the tunnels that get us into this beautiful part of the Forbidden Forest. "I always loved this part of the forest" I said as Fred helped me out.

The place was absolutely stunning. It had this small pond that sparkled under the moonlight. There where rocks around it which perfectly fitted one another. The trees made a circle around the hole thing. It was so magical. 

Fred leads me to sit down with him in front of the pond. I dip my feet in the water and he follows suit. "You look very pretty under the moonlight" He says looking at me. "Thank you Freddie" I smile at. He moves closer to me whilst I rest my head in his shoulder as he rests his on top of mine.

"Freddie" I say as I wrap my arms around his left arm. "Hmm?" He lifts his head up and turns his head to look at me. "I'm scared" He shots up at my words. "Come again?" He seems amused. I never share my feelings with Fred it was mostly with Lupin and Harry.

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