The Marauders Map

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Y/N: your name

"What are you doing?!" Harry asked in a desperate tone. "Shhhh" George said as a way to calm him down. Fred hands Harry the folded map as me and George, look back to check if anyone is watching us. Drug dealer shit. Well muggles do that, I saw it in a muggle movie. Okay sorry back to what we were doing. We look back and smile proudly at the boy. Fred rests his arm in the free space the wall had a non-glass window, George rested his arm in the stairs railing as for me just stood there with my arms crossed. 

"What's this rubbish?" Harry says as he shows the folded map we now used to own. I never told the boys about who made  or who owned the map. I was the only one who knew who had made it and who betrayed it as well. " 'What's this rubbish?' he says" Fred lets out a chuckle and faces me and George, we snicker quietly. "That there is the secret to our success" Fred points at the map and looks at the boy who was clearly confused. "It's a wrench giving it to you, believe me" George says with a smile who reached up to his ears. "But we decided" Fred speaks again as he raises his hand up to me so Harry could turn to look at me now. 

"Your needs are greater than ours" I say as take my beanie off to fix my hair. "George if you will"  me and Fred speak at the same time as I put my beanie back on. George takes his wand out and points it to the empty piece of parchment. I step on the stairs and now I'm next to Harry whose face is now staring at the map. Fred looked out the window and then looked at me with a smile. I smiled back.

"I solemnly swear I am up no good."

And with those simple words words and ink started to run through the pages. This was magic and I loved every second of it. Fred and Georges eyes lit up at the sight of the map finally showing it's self. Harry stood there in shock. His eyes widened open. "Go on, read it" I said as the boy moved his head as a way to get out of his thoughts and read it out loud. " Moony". 'Remus Lupin' I said in my thoughts. "Wormtail, Padfoot" The man I didn't know and my father. I felt a smile curl on my lips at my fathers "name". "And Prongs" Harry finished. He  was aying his fathers name with out knowing it. 

"Are proud to present, The Marauder's Map?" He said as he turned his face up to see the boys. "We own them so much" George raises his eyebrows at his words. Fred nods as I rest my hand in Harry's shoulder. Harry starts to open the map desperately to see what is in the map. "Hang on, this is Hogwarts and that is.." Harry couldn't believe his eyes "No. Is that really..?" 

"Dumbledore" We all say in unison.  "In his study" George says, "Pacing" Fred finishes him off, smiling. "Does that a lot" I say as the boy looks at me. He turns his back to the map "So, this map shows" Harry was cut off. "Everyone" Fred says brightly. "Everyone?" The boy repeats. "Everyone" George answers I nod my head slightly.

 "Where they are" I say.

"What they're doing" George adds in.

"Every minute" Fred continues.

"Of everyday" We all look at each other as we say those words.

"Brilliant!" Harry look up with joy "Where you get it?" . "Nicked it from Filches office" Fred speaks as George follows in "Of course." "First year" I say as Fred holds on to my hand. I look up an see his cheeks WAS BLUSHING! He never does that. I decided to tease him a bit and wink at him. He chuckles a bit and smiles at me. "Now listen, There are seven secret passage ways, out of the castle" George informs the boy "We'd recommend." "this one" We all say as Fred and George point to the passageway. "The one-eyed witch passage way" I say with a smirk showing from miles a way. We knew the castle like if it was shown to us on a silver platter. "Leads you to Honeydukes cellar" George speaks again. "You best hurry, Filch is right on his way" Fred says and I show where Filch was. Harry seemed amazed by all of this.

"Oh and Harry don't forget" I say as I look at George. "When you're done, just give it a tap and say" We all look at each other, George grabs his wand.

"Mischief managed" We all say in unison "Otherwise anyone can read it". 

Harry nods, "Thank you guys." "Bye, Harry see you there" I waved him good bye. As he left George laid back tot the railing and looked at us suspiciously. "What?" I ask. I was still holding on to Fred's hand. He clears his throat and leans his head down eyeing our hands. We let go as Fred just looks up and whistles. "Okay, lovebirds lets go" He says as he leads us out. "That was so awkward" I whisper-yell at Fred. "I didn't even notice" He says in a sarcastic tone. Oh Merlin this isn't going to be like I expected it. 


Short chapter today sorryyy. Enjoy my loves <3

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