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Lu pov

I landed on the ground with a soft thud. I stand up and take in my surroundings; I'm in a park, with kids running around. When I feel like Ace is near me I look to my right and see a kid that looks strangely like him running up to me. "Luffy!" He screamed. I can never forget that voice. Ace finally collides with me, giving me a hug. I hug back, still shocked that he's alive. He lets go of me and just stares, like he's in a trance.

"I wonder if we can still use the devil fruits here." He finally says, and I start to laugh so hard! Before God sent us here he said that having powers is normal. I look at him with tears threatening to spill. "What! What's so funny?!" I stop laughing as soon as I feel another presence closing in on us. I guess that ace feels it because he gets tense.

"Well it's nice to have the trio back together isn't it." The mysterious person says as Aces and my eyes go wide.

"N- No I don't believe it.." I stammer as I turn around and see Sabo! We both lunge to him, engulfing him in a hug.

"What the hell! You died you bastard!" Ace yells.

"Well the ASL is back, that's all that matters." I nod furiously.

"But how the hell did you survive that blow!" Ace yells, and I get annoyed because God told us everything.

An: let me show you... sorry ok on with the story!

I had to be dreaming.. this can't be happening! No..no..NO! He falls on me, giving me a hug. "You can't die Ace!" I almost yell. "You said that you wouldn't! Don't leave me!"

AN: I'm going to skip that sad part because I almost cried, sorry-

"Luffy-ya!" I heard someone call. "Law?" I say, and then I'm falling. Someone catches me, I look up and see blue, then pass out.


I slightly opened my eyes but everything was blurry. I hear Law freaking out about something. "What's happening! The hell type of devil fruit is this!" Why is he yelling? I then manage to say something.

"Law...loud." He looks at me and I can see that he has an emotion on his face other than annoyance or anger; but before I could pinpoint what it was I wasn't there anymore. I feel ... fine though. I look around and see that everything is bright.

"God, getting you here was a hassle." I look around and see someone next to ... Ace! I run up to him but the person stops me.

"Let me see my brother! Let me go and see him!" I yell but the guy doesn't budge.

"So I got the right person." He says like he's not holding me back.

"Luffy right?" He didn't wait for me to answer. "You need to calm down ok, I have to tell you something when he wakes up." I stop struggling.

"What do you mean 'wake up'?" I ask, confused. Just then Ace groans like he got hit. He sits up, and looks at me.

"Oh god Lu did you die to!?" I look puzzled.

"Um I don't think so.."

"Then why the hell are you here?! Ow my head."

"Um I'm normally not ignored so I'm going to cut in right here. Hi, I'm God and I'm going to give you a choice. You can go to another universe and live together, or continue in your own universe like it is now." I stand there shocked. Wait...

"Well we still have our powers?" I ask. He nods.

"You will but they won't be called devil fruits, but quirks. 80% of the population has them. Also you can't be a pirate. Though you can be a hero, normal citizen, or something that I don't really want you to be, a villain." I nod. This is important so I'll listen. "I will put you there as real siblings, you both will be five. And have two parents.. hmm let's see dad fire and mom water? Yeah that's an interesting pair, let's do it." I nod trying to tell him to continue. "Oh right! You'll have a surprise for you when you get there. Also if you want, and if I approve it myself, you can request to have something or someone to come with you." He hands me a small piece of paper. "Write it down on this and then give it back." I nod and then a pencil appears out of nowhere. I have two things that I want, 1 my crew, then 2. Law , though he has his own crew to take care of,but, I already miss him. I hear a sigh from god.

"If you can fit it on the paper, I may allow it, plus if they like you in your world they will like you in the other one." I hum in acknowledgement.

I put down 'my crew', leaving room for three more letters. I hesitate, but put it down.

"But he has his own crew." I whisper.

"And they can take care of themselves. Plus the other world's time is faster than your own. Two years in the new one it'd be one day." I then look at it. Law.

"Ace are you going to request something?" He shakes his head and I continue. "I'll go only if there is a way back in my own one." God nods and that's all I needed. "Ace are you coming?"

"*sigh* yeah sure, what the hell."

"Oh and I'll give you a hit on what your surprise is. 'He survived the hit, though he got amnesia'." I look at Ace, then to God, then back to Ace, all in confusion. "Well goodbye now!" He says and waves as we disappear from his voice.

'God, I love the surprise!'

A/N: hi I was just trying something new! I would like you to tell me if you like this chapter and if I should continue. Right now I'm watching it and I'm close to the end of the Skypia ark. 24 people left if ya know what I mean! I do have another chap written down on paper , and  it's about the crew and law. I don't really know where this will go if I continue, but it's up to you if you want them to go back or stay. Well I mean they first have to find out how to go back. Happy new years! (Even though where I live it's Jan 1 at 4 but same thing right!)

Love you all and pls comment! 

Ham-ham out!-

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