The Crew

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3 pov

'What. The. Fuck." Is what they all thought when they saw heaven. Once they realize that everyone was there from the straw hat pirate crew they calmed down a little (they'll ignore Law). They were all confused on why they were there, though once God explained that Luffy wanted them to go to another universe, they were fine. (Why did he want Law, the fuck is he thinking! Why is he here!?)

"So you're basically saying that you brought Luffy to another world and he wants us to come with him." God nods and Nami continues. "Ok I get that but.. WHY IS HE HERE!?" Nami yells which caused Zoro to wake up and yell at her, which caused Sanji to yell at Zoro about something to do with respecting women, which caused Franky to yell 'SUPER!' (For some odd reason), which caused Zoro and Sanji to run at him, which caused Chopper to get trampled, which caused Brook to try and helps Chopper, which caused him to get trampled, which caused Robin to wish she had a book because no one was going to pay attention, which caused Jimbei to brake Zoro, Sanji, and Franky apart because Robin wouldn't,  Law then feels a heack combing up wich lead him to wish he never knew the crew. And watching the crews chaos leads to Usopp telling Nami that it's her fault, which causes everyone to stop what they were doing because he told the truth for once.

"Well.. um.. just don't cause too much damage to this new world. I don't want anyone to meet Luffy intel high school, except two who will meet him in middle school." Everyone nods except for Law, he just wants to leave. "Also you will follow in his footsteps, so if he wants to be a hero you will, if he wants to be a normal person you will, and or if he wants to be, something that I don't really like, a villain, you will too. But Law because he's not part of the crew. You just.. can do whatever." Law almost pumps his fist in the air, until he sees the look on God's face; he then knows that he will be one of the two that meets Luffy at middle school.

"If you have devil fruits, you will keep them. But Zoro, you can control metal/steel. Nami you can control the weather. Usopp you can have 'perfect shot'. Sanji you can set your limbs on fire. Franky you and Jimbei can be the way you are. Your powers will be called quirks and a lot of people will have different ones. You will be able to use them when you get there, but most people get them when they're 3-4. You all will be the same age: 5, have parents and be friends. Though Law doesn't have to be right now." Everyone sighs happily

"At least we won't have to find each other." Brook says.

"There will be rules that you have to follow when you get there. One, you can't use your quirks in public unless you're in danger. Two, you can't tell people about your world. And three, you all have to follow Luffy so if he chooses to leave you do too even if you don't want to." This time only Law nods

"Oh Zoro, Law, " they both look up at him. "Zoros dad can turn stuff into other stuff so you can turn your swords into something else. When he does all you have to do is think about them and they will turn into their original state, also they will turn back when you're done." They nod and God goes on.

"You all will remember everything and some will go to school together. Time runs faster in the other world so two years in that one will be one day in yours. Well goodbye now!"

He didn't let them ask any questions as he waves and they disappear into their new homes.

'This is awesome!' All but one thought.

'I hate life.' Thought the other one.

Zoro pov

My parents' names are Aya and Ken Handa. They're both super chill, and my dad turned my swords into my three earrings. Law's parents are cool too. We're neighbors and friends. His sword is his death tattoos across his fingers (he can't get the rest of them until high school). We all live close and half of us have two parents also we're all single children so it must be hard for Nami. She, Chopper, Franky and Robin have one parent. I can do everything that I could do in my world, well .. except drink.

I was sleeping when I woke up to my dad grabbing a drink. Thinking nothing of it I got up and grabbed one for myself, but then mom came in the kitchen. "What do you think you're doing?" I was confused because no one asked me that before.

"Um getting a drink?" I say in a question way so I could know what's wrong with that.

"Hey Ken! You need to stop drinking here!" She yells to the living room.

"What why?" A voice asks from the other room.

"Zoro is trying to drink one like it's nothing!" She yelled back. I then realized that one, I'm in another world and two in seven.

"What, he's seven!"

"I know!"


I sigh and put down the pencil. I look at the clock on my dest and see that it's only ten minutes after that happened. I close my notebook, put it in a drawer and lock it. Gong downstairs I see my mom in the kitchen. "Hey mom can I go to Laws?" She looks up and nods.

"Yeah just be back by 8."

It's 3:47 so I have about 4 hours. I put on my shoes and went out the door, turning left. Once I open the door I see his parents and say hi. When I make it to the room and open the door I see that he's drawing a straw hat. When we got here he started to draw, it's mostly things from our world. His ship, our ship, us and Luffy, animals and the fruits. He puts them up on his walls, he has six ones of Luffy, each one better and better. He stared with the animals, then the devil fruits, then us and the ships. All of us think he's at pro level. "So it's his hat now?"

He looks up and nods, then continuing his drawing. "So tell me another theory of why we're here." The last one he told me was that Luffy died but it was like a 1% chance that that happened.

"You know Ace right?" I nod wanting him to continue.

"Well Ace died right in front of Luffy-ya. It was like if you told him to stop he wouldn't, no couldn't. I yelled his name and Jimbei-ya came up to him and Luffy-ya then passed out.

I sat down and saw that he was crying.

"I couldn't do anything Zoro-ya, nothing."

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