Almost there

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Law pov

As I get into 4th grade my parents start to question my drawings. "So Law, what's wrong with that fruit?" I look up and see that she's pointing to the Mera Mera No Mi (aces fruit)

"There's nothing wrong with it." I say casually.

"Ok, then what's this ship's name?" She asks pointing to the Thousand Sunny.

"That's the Thousand Sunny, Luffy's ship." She nods.

"That's an interesting name for a ship. Where are they from?"

"My dreams." On the outside I look calm but I'm freaking out on the inside.

"Law all of these things are childish, if you start to fall behind in school, I'll have to take all of your drawing-." I cut her off, angry.

"Mom I'm in the top of all of my classes except for gym, I'm fine." I say sternly. She sighs and nods her head.

"Well I'm amazed by your imagination but if you wanna be a hero then you should be improving your quirk, not drawing this silly stuff."

'Oh I am so close to snapping at her!'

 I give her a deadpan look. "I have already mastered my quirk and I won't stop drawing." She then exits the room pissed off.

'Oh she's going to have a good day.' I think smugly. I then proceed to draw Ace hovering over Luffy, protecting him. I'm just finishing Luffy when someone comes in. I look up and see Sanji. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Nami wants to have a meeting in the park! She's so romantic!" Even if he is weird he is strong too. His eyes change to hearts, but change back when he looks down at my drawing.

"So it's Ace and Luffy this time." He says it in a statement, not a question. I nod.

"So when did that happen?"

I look up and glare at him"So are we going or not?" I ask, trying to dodge the question. Sanji-ya nods, I get up, putting my drawing in my desk drawer. I then approach him and ask when we were going.


When we arrive at the park I see that Zoro-ya is not here. "Hey Nami-ya, do you know where Zoro-ya is?" She looks around and then lets out a shout of frustration.

"Well it seems that the swordsman got lost." Robin-ya said plainly.

"Well then it's a good thing that we put a tracking device on him!" Usopp almost yells.

"Wait wha-" I get cut off by one of Namis glares, so she's basically telling me to 'shut up and just roll with it.' "So.. um is he coming?" Sanji asks. Jinbe nods.

"Yes he will be, we just have to get him." He says.

Small time skip from Zoro's amazing directions skills!

We get back and sit down in a circle.

"Ok, I called you because I wanna know who thinks they'll meet Luffy soon, and if you do please tell us when and tell him that we're not supposed to see him until later. Plus we might need to improve on our fighting skills so if someone thinks that they do tell someone that can help with that." Most of them nodded and I just sat there. All of a sudden Zoro stands up.

"We're in the middle of a park with many kids around, you never know who might be listening. Remember what the 'god' said about keeping it a secret?" Then almost to prove his point someone bumps into him.

"O-oh sorry." The kid looks behind him and then runs behind Zoro. I follow his gaze and it lands on another kid with spiky blond hair.

"Get over here Deku! We're not done with you!"

The other boy hides behind Zoro even more and we all figure out what's happening. We stand up and make a small line to make sure that the blond boy won't harm the other.

"What the hell do you think you're doing extras! This is none of your business!" I look around him and see that there's two other boys behind him.

"No this is our business because we're not letting you hurt him." Nami says, kinda like she's been in this situation somehow.

"He's a weak Deku and he needs to know his place in the world." The other growls back. All of a sudden a hand covers his mouth.

"No, you shouldn't judge people by their stasis. That's no way to be a hero." Robin says calmly. "Even if he's not that strong right now, he can get stronger." Zoro says as Robin removes her hand.

"He has no quirk, he's weak!" He states again.

"I-it's fine, I-I'm used to it." Usopp turns around and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"No one should be used to this, not even the cap- I mean Luffy, trust me." The other kid scoffs and leaves. I then turn around and see that the kid was crying.

"So who was that?" I ask him.

"I grew up with him when we were kids. He was my friend int-" Nami then cut him off.

"We don't need your life story, just his name." The kid nods, probably scared.

"His name is Katsuki Bakugou. And I'm Izuku Midoriya." I nod and he continues. "Thank you for saving me." I smirk and everyone else nods.

"Trust me, I've been through worse." He looks at me in confusion, and I glare at him to not ask.

"Well Midoriya, it's nice to meet you, do you wanna be friends!?" Usopp asks happily. Izuku starts at ball and nods his head like crazy.

"Yes,yes yes that would be amazing, thank you!"

"Ok, I'm going home now." I say, honestly bored of this. Zoro nods.

"Yeah, then you can continue on your drawing of.." his eyes wander to Izuku. "Um.. A and L."(he knows because they talk a lot and Zoro sometimes gives him ideas) My eyes widen when I remember what I was doing before I got here. I nod my head agreeing on what he just said, though before we could go, the kid stops us.

"Is there any way I can repay you?!" He almost yells. I look at Zoro and see that he's got a 'I don't wanna be here, let's go' look. I sigh but try to think of something to say.

"Um.. we you could.. um just not give up.. I guess." Damn that sucked! Whatever. His eyes widen and he nods.

"Ok! I won't let you down!" He then smiles... Luffy-ya would like this kid... though they're too much alike.

"Let's go Law." Zoro says... taking off in the wrong direction...

Once we got on the right path I remembered something.

"Oh shit! We didn't get to discuss who we thought was going to meet him soon!" Zoro laughs and I look at him confused. I glare at him. "What the hell do you think is funny!" I yell as he laughs harder.

"We're going to meet him soon. I mean like first I'm the first mate, and you're obsessed with him," he grins. "It only fits." I then scoffed.

"I am not!" He rolls his eyes.

"Can't you take a joke?" He asks sarcastically.

A/N: So if you don't like this chap pls tell me what you didn't like.. I had some hard times writing this one for some reason. I wanted them to meet Deku and Katsuki early in their second childhood. I'm sad that I have to write Bakugou as a dick but I have to because it goes with the story.... somehow... ok we'll see you soon!

Ham-ham out!-

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