Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


I wanted to go back to the hell hole I call home, but my stomach got the best of me. Eh, I could definitely go for some coffee. I walked around town to find a coffee shop and happened to find some place called Tweek and Bros Coffee. 

It’s closed down for repairs.

I walk around town more and find a little cafe called Village Inn. Sounds good to me. Just in and out no problem.

Michael POV

I was at my 5th cup of coffee and I still feel like shit. “Dude, you should probably take it easy with the coffee. I understand you drink more than we do, but this is too much.” Pete assured me. I rolled my eyes and continued drinking while I drew little doodles on a napkin. As I took a sip of coffee, I immediately did a spit take as I saw who just walked through the door. It was none other than the devil herself Poser Ass McGee. She walked over to the old hag and ordered what I think I heard was "2 dark coffees to go". She looked around, but when she locked eyes with me I could have sworn I heard a voice in my head saying "Get to the back NOW". As soon as I heard that I stood up from my seat and started walking out. 

"Yo Michael where are you going?" Pete asked me from afar. I couldn't tell him that I heard a voice in my head to go to the back, he'll think I'm crazy from the excessive drinks of coffee I've had. "I need some time alone for a while and a smoke outside." I lied. Pete seemed to not believe it, but everyone soon bought into the lie. I stepped outside to the back and waited. 

I waited for about a minute or two and thought that maybe it was the coffee that made me go crazy. As I turned to go back inside that poser broad was in front of me. "Oh great just the person I wanted to see." I said sarcastically. She took a step forward, grabbed the collar of my shirt and pinned me to the wall hard. "Listen I didn't want to tell you up front to your little goth posers to meet me here so I just hoped you got the message to meet me here." She said in a low growl. So she magically sent me a message inside my head to meet her here; how much caffeine did I drink today. 

"Very funny. So you just magically sent a message in my head for me to meet you here to tell me about some black magic crop that you did to me. What else did you do to me? Put a hex on me to feel at the brink of death whenever I look at you?" I said with a hint of sarcasm and an overdose of sass. "Hahaha, laugh it up why don't cha. Because when I'm done with you, you'll be wishing for Satan to take you in but guess what I'll be taking you up to hell myself." she said with an evil glare and a glint of red in her eyes. I knew her eyes could change to red, so I wasn't hallucinating. 

"Anyways," she continued. "I came to tell you this once so listen up poser. Stay out of my way. If you or your little poser friends ever so interact with me…

I will kill you."

I was at a loss for words. I don't know if she was being serious or not. "If you don't believe it don't even try, well better yet I'll give you a little warning." As she said that she kneed me in the stomach. I doubled over and held my stomach from the pain, any lower than that then I'll definitely be dead. After she did that she left. 

After I recovered I headed back inside, the guys looked at me concerned? "Hey you okay it took you awhile to get back?" Henrietta said with concern. "Yeah I'm fine." I replied back. "Are you sure?" Firkle said hinting some worry in his tone. "I'm sure." 

A/N: I'm very sorry for not uploading like I promised a couple months ago. School was very busy and stressful, going back and forth to places, celebrating the holidays with relatives and I'm writing this on my phone. Again I apologize for a late upload, but hopefully this makes up for it. Happy holidays and a Happy New Year to you all. 773 words~

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