Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

TW: Sexual harassment and pedophilia

Michael's POV

How the hell did I get in this situation. Well at least let me tell you about what went down first to begin with.


After rehearsal, we all went to Village Inn to get our usual dose of coffee like always.

Time skip cuz I'm starting to get lazy~

When we got to Village Inn, we entered through the door and we all saw (y/n) walking out the door. I was a little scared after what happened earlier on the rooftop so I was more cautious around her. The others greeted her except me, but she didn't reply back to them and left.

We sat in our normal spot, ordered our usual dark roast coffee, and started smoking the same old, same old. I told the others about me and (y/n's) encounter on the rooftop and, of course, they didn't believe me.

"Michael maybe you need to give her time to get used to you and maybe get to know her." Pete suggested to me. "Yeah, try getting to know her while I'm about to be thrown off the fucking rooftop." I said back with sarcasm dripping out of my mouth. "I have to agree with Pete on this one." Firkle spoke up about this. I looked at him in disbelief, "Firkle you can't be serious right now. Do you even know what you're talking about?" He looked at me with his cold grayish-blue eyes, " More than you do." I blinked in disbelief, I never heard him talk back like that to me. "Michael, (y/n) is actually nice once you get to know her and believe me if you're with her long enough you'll eventually see she's good. Just give it some time you'll soon find out." Hen spoke up as well. "I cannot believe you guys. Since when do you think just by seeing someone with black clothes, dark attitude and can kick some conformists' ass you think they can be perfect goth material? Jeez you guys are blind as you are stupid. She's not goth for cthulhu's sake! She's a goddamn poser!" I lashed out on them. They were shocked since I never lose my cool like that unless I was very stressed, which I've only shown once.

"Bro, just chill out. We're just saying, you may have seen her bad side the most, but have never seen the good side of her." Pete said, trying to calm me down by placing a hand on my shoulder. "Have you forgotten that she wanted to kill all of you if you encountered her?" I was slowly losing my sanity with every minute I spent talking to them getting it in their naive little skulls that (y/n) is not good.

"She may have wanted to do that, but she didn't from encountering each and every one of us and got to know each of us slowly. If she did kill us from us encountering her we wouldn't be here." Pete said. I've had enough of this bullshit and decided to drop the subject since there's no way of getting through to them. Without thinking I flat out moved out of my seat and left, no rebuttal comment back. I didn't have energy to argue back and it's just back and forth talk so I walked out of the restaurant and decided to head home.

I checked my phone for the time I saw it was past midnight. I didn't realize we've been talking for that long about (y/n). Well either way I'm still right that she will do something about killing them and save me for last. I was in deep thought while walking home that I didn't notice that someone was following me. I walked past an alleyway until someone grabbed the back of my coat and slammed my back into the hard brick wall. I closed my eyes on the impact on my back and after I opened them I saw some drunk conformist staring at me.

"Weell, well, wellll, what do we haave heree?" he slurred in a raspy voice as his breath smelled of strong alcohol, whiskey to be exact. "Get the fuck out of my face conformist." I barked at him with a slight quiver of nervousness in my voice. I mentally cursed myself for sounding nervous as he leaned in close to my ear whispering to me, "Oor whaat, you gonna do bout it?" he said as moved his hand on my chest and grabbed my wrists tighter with his other hand restraining me from my movement.

Now here I am, it's the middle of the night, I am in an alleyway, my hands are bound by some drunk conformist about to be raped. How great I sarcastically thought trying to calm myself, but I couldn't help but start shaking, breathing heavily and sweating bullets. I hate to admit it, but I was completely scared.

I closed my eyes hoping that this is just some nightmare I always have and wake up from it. As he was about to do something much worse, he collapsed on top of me unconscious. I moved out of his grasp and saw who my savior was.

It was (y/n).

My eyes widened from her appearance. I didn't expect to run into her. I didn't realize I was staring at her until she turned to me and asked. "You okay?" I snapped out of my trans and nodded my head even though I was still shaking and breathing unevenly. She took my hand and sat me down on a nearby bench to calm me down. I placed my elbows on my knees and my hands on my face as I tried to steady my breathing, but now I'm also trying to keep my tears from falling. I didn't want to cry in front of anyone, not even in front of her too.

(Y/N's) POV

I saw that Michael was having a hard time steading his breathing and trying to hold his tears back. I thought long and hard on whether to comfort him or let him do it himself. ...



Screw it.

I brought my hands up and wrapped them around his arms pulling him in a reassuring hug. He hesitated, but eventually hugged back and he started to cry. Tear drops were getting on my jacket, but I could care less because what's the big deal about it? I continued to hold him in that hug rubbing circles on his back to comfort him as he slowly started to calm down.

Afterwards, he calmed down, wiping his tears and looked at me about to thank me, but I beat it to the punch. "Don't mention it kid. Your welcome. And before you ask, let's just say I got there at the right place at the right time." He took a breath as he said.

"W-why did you b-bother c-comforting m-me?" he stuttered. "Believe me, I know what it's like." I stood up from the bench and dusted off some debri on my pants and walked off, but Michael grabbed my hand preventing me from walking. "Look I don't ask this from you, but can you walk with me to my house? I'm still scared shitless from that."

I thought for a moment and gave in, I guess a couple minutes wouldn't hurt. So I held his hand and walked to his house. Michael's face turned a little red from the contact, but tried hiding it as I didn't care.

A few minutes later, we arrived at his house. He turned to me thank me, but stopped in his tracks and turned away resisting urge to. I rolled my eyes in a playful manner as I let go of his hand and made my way back to my post.

3rd Person POV

As made his way to the door he looked back to see (y/n) there, but she wasn't. He shrugged his shoulders and walked inside.

On top of the rooftop, (y/n) watched the boy enter his house safe and sound. She sighed a breath she didn't know she was holding. She knew that she could've let it happen, but didn't since she knew he would've been dead after that. She hopped off the roof to leave the area.

1 day~

The next day, Michael walked into school and attempted to get to the back of the school to skip class and meet up with the rest of his friends. The principal stopped him and dragged him to his class. No one was there except for the girl that saved his life last night.

He walked up to her "Hey." She looked up at him and nodded as hey. "So about last night... uhhhh..." he struggled with trying to bring up last night's situation. (Y/n) knew where this was going so she helped him out.

"I know what you're going to say and you don't have to thank me. I'm just doing my job" she said the last part till she realized what she said. He got confused about what she said and asked what she meant. She ignored his question and looked out the window to avoid eye contact. Eventually, Michael let go of the subject, but still kept it in mind.

Michael's POV

Maybe they were right. There was a good side of her, but also there's a dark side to her too. Soon enough the bell rang and the conformist pulled into the classroom.

1557 words~

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