Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

1st Person POV

After the long drive to Denver, we finally arrived at our destination. I was busy watching YouTube when the bitch started talking to me. I had headphones in, so I tuned her out completely, until she pulled one of my earbuds. "Hey, what gives?! I was enjoying my music!" I yelled at her, already pissed off. "Get off your phone and listen to me. I want to be on your best behavior. And try to make some new friends. Your father said your friends at school aren't good ones." "No." I simply said. They sighed in disappointment. "We are doing this for your own good. We want you to stop playing this game and be a good kid again." "Good kid my ass. For my good or your own good so you don't have your friends think you're a disappointment to me. How many times have I said to stop fucking with my life? All you do is meddle with my life on what I wear, how I act, what I do, and now who I'm friends with. Did I miss something, or do I need to add another thing?" I argued back. "Fine. Do what you want. Just don't come crying to us once your "friends" leave you because you act the way you are." Sperm donor said. I rolled my eyes and continued watching YouTube on my phone.

Sperm donor parked the car and we all started heading inside the building. From the looks of it, it's a bunch of conformists talking and drinking. Sperm donor grabs my arm and takes me to a room filled with more conformists about my age playing and talking with each other. "Seriously. You're really putting me in here with these snotty, conformist brats? You really are an ass." "Watch your language. Get in. You lost your privilege to be with the adults. Now sit in here. If you're wanting to apologize for your behavior earlier, I'll consider taking you out of here." He closed the door behind me.

Such a dumbass. He forgot to take my phone. You're trying to punish me, please, you can't even do the simplest things to punish a kid. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and planned to text the goths to cure my boredom. I texted the group chat and waited for an answer. Some brat threw a paper ball at me, I looked up from my phone and saw a kid, somewhere around Firkle's age. "Watch it conformist brat." "Sorry dude." His head looked like the shape of an egg. Hold up, "Wait, you're Ike, Brofloski's younger brother, aren't you?" "How'd you know?" He asked me. Shit. "You're in Firkle's class. He mentions you being one of our former member's best friend's adopted brother." He nods his big head. My phone pinged. I looked down and it was Michael that texted me. "Nice talking to you kid, but I'm out." I walked out to the door, but turned to him one last time. "Also try to lay off the drugs and women, don't want you dying this early now, would we?" His beaded eyes widened in fear, "Kyle you bitch!" He swears at his older brother. I held in a laugh as I knew he told Kyle to not tell anyone about it." I walk out the door and head to a secluded room, which was a janitor's closet. Not the best place for a conformist, unless you're making out doing the dirty, but it was nice and secluded tight space for myself.

I opened up my chats and read what Michael texted me.

Michael: Everyone passed out asleep at Henn's place. How's that conformists party you're at?

Y/n: Not dead that's for sure. Did you overdose on coffee again if you're the only one awake?

Michael: Bold of you to assume I drink a lot of coffee to where I can't sleep, but yes. About 5 cups to be exact.

Y/n: Dude wtf. How are you not dead from all the caffeine you just consumed?

Michael: As if I would tell you broad. Like you're one to talk. I see you put alcohol in your coffee. How are you not dead after drinking that shit?

Y/n: Touché douche.

I rolled my eyes at our conversation with a small smile on my face. Another message pops up on my screen.

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